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You woke up to the sound of rain. "Oh no!" You quickly climbed up the ladder. Loki woke up too. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Forgot to close the window up here." You said, closing it as tightly as you could. Your blankets were a little wet, but fortunately not too bad.

You and Loki had fallen asleep on the floor while talking last night. "Fuck, my parents are gonna kill me." Loki said, standing up. You jumped off the last step of the ladder and turned to him. "Sorry Loki! I should have woken you." Loki shook his head. "Not your fault, Y/n. But I need to be getting home now. Thank you for the lovely day- night- well both, I'll return soon as I always do." He nodded to you. "Goodbye!" You said as he left. He ran in the rain, hoping his horse was right where he'd left it.


Loki put his horse back in the palace stable. Instead of thinking about how much trouble he'd be in, he was thinking of you. The talks you'd had the day prior and and joy he felt when being with you. He smiled to himself as he once again stepped out into the rain and ran into the palace. "Brother, where have you been? With Y/n?" Thor boomed as Loki entered. "Why don't you just tell the whole kingdom, Thor?" Loki hissed, irritated. "Father and mother were worried when you didn't return, they were questing me to no end." Thor looked around to make sure no one was around. "Yes, I was with Y/n, I accidentally fell asleep at her place. But mother and father can't know about her, we'll have to make something up." Loki stated.

Thor nodded in agreement, thinking hard. "You know, they may find out eventually. And father will be terribly upset." Loki nodded. "I've thought of that. I don't care, I love spending time with her, we just have to be sure they don't find out." Thor stopped dead and Loki followed his gaze. "Find out about what?" Frigga asked. She tilted her head a bit and shook it in disappointment.

"That my son was out all night without warning? I noticed." She quickly walked up to Loki. "And you're soaking wet, of course. Come on let's get you dry." She walked to Loki's chambers and he followed, giving Thor a quick glance. "I'm sure I don't have to ask where you were for you to know to tell me." She said without looking at Loki. He sighed. "I went for a long ride and accidentally fell asleep." Loki said. He didn't have enough time to come up with a better excuse apparently. "Sure, I'll believe that, dear." Frigga said sarcastically with a sweet smile. "Wherever you were, just tell us you're leaving next time. Your father wasn't happy and won't be, but I just want to know you're alright." Loki nodded, grateful that the conversation seemed to be over. 


Loki turned the water off and stepped out of the warm shower, using his magic to dry and clothe himself. He stepped out of his bathroom and slid into bed. Laying on his back, he stared at the ceiling. Images of you danced in his mind. Your smile, your flowing hair, everything he loved about you. He recalled the sound of your voice and the conversations you had. Your soft s/c skin and the twinkle in your eyes.

Loki sat up and furrowed his brows. Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach and his heartbeat sped up. Was he in... love? No, couldn't be. He was too young to know what he wanted, that's what his father told him at least. But he longed for you. Longed to see you. The thought of running away to a beautiful place to be with you and you alone seemed wonderful. He sat back and slouched in bed. He was. He was in love. And there was nothing anyone could do about it. Nothing that could change it now.

But he simply couldn't tell you. He was scared to. What if you didn't feel the same way? You probably didn't. It was still morning, of course, but tiredness pulled at his eye lids. Loki decided on a nap and drifted off to sleep.

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