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You woke up only to see Loki not by your side. Frowning, you climbed out of bed and choose something to wear. A knock at the door alerted you. "Come in!" You called while shifting through clothing. Loki had bought you more clothing than you could have ever hoped for, and it was just your style. "Hello." Loki stated, walking in and closing the door. "Good morning, love." You replied. "Where were you last night?" You asked turning to him. "Oh, you know, busy." He said. Loki glanced around the room, almost as if he were looking for something. "What's wrong?" You asked, turning back to the stack of clothes laid out before you. "Nothing dear." Loki assured you.

You nodded and picked up a cute yellow summer dress and a light purple top. "Which do you like more?" You asked Loki with a smile. He looked a bit nervous and unsure of how to reply. "Uh, both would look beautiful on you." He said with a kind smile in return. You looked down and, making your decision, threw the purple top back onto the pile. "I have something I need to ask you." Loki said. He carefully took a seat on the edge of the bed. "What's that, dear?" You said. You placed the dress down and began searching for your hair brush. "Where is the Warlock's Eye?" Loki asked. You looked at him, a shocked and confused expressed appearing on your face. 

"The what? Loki, I have no idea what that is." Loki shook his head as if unable to believe you and repeated his question. "Loki, I just got here a couple days ago, how would I know?" You were starting to worry something was wrong with him and sat down beside him on the bed. "You've never told me about this... Warlock's Eye before." Loki looked deep into your eyes, as if searching for the truth. Then, an angry expression molded onto his face and he lifted a dagger to your neck. "Tell me now, liar!" He yelled. He pushed you against the bed, a drop of blood falling from your neck. "Loki, stop!" You screamed, your heart racing.

He pushed more and you tried to yell again, but he covered your mouth. Suddenly, before you could move, a flash of green appeared at the edge of your vision. Loki was thrown off of you and onto the floor and you quickly sat up to catch your breath. When you looked to the side, you saw.... Loki fighting with... Loki? Yes, that's it. Two Lokis fighting on the floor. "You ever touch her again and I'll rip you limb from limb until you beg for mercy." One Loki growled to the other. You crawled back onto the bed. What was going on?

Before you could speak, the Loki that attacked you changed form into an ugly creature. "The Warlock's eye belongs to-" Before he finished, Loki stabbed him and with a groan, the monster was dead. Loki slowly stood and looked over to you where tears were forming around your eyes. "My love, are you alright?" Loki dropped his dagger and rushed over to you, inspecting your neck. "Y-yes I think so." You replied, looking at him. "That... creature used his powers to appear as me and question you. Might be ugly but not completely stupid." Loki lifted your chin and gently touched the cut from the dagger. "I'll take care of that, dear." Loki sat beside you and you rested your head on his chest as he calmed your shaking body. That was enough action for one day.

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