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Loki sat down on the rock and messed with his hair, which was now a little wet. You sat beside him and rested your head on the rock behind you. "So, how'd you find this place?" He asked, looking at you from the side. You almost blushed a bit, hearing his soothing voice so close to you with the sound of the waterfall in the background. "Did your parents tell you about it?" He asked nudging you. You fiddled with a small pebble beside you and tossed it into the air, wanting to avoid the question. "Nope, just found it while exploring one time." You replied, not making eye contact.

Loki rested his hand on yours and you looked at him. "Y/n..." He started. You looked down. Loki placed his finger on your chin and lifted it so you'd look at him. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right? Your struggles, your pain, your truths. I may not be able to solve everything, but I care about you. I want to help." You nodded. He knew. He knew by now that you didn't have parents looking out for you. "I- well-" You didn't know where to start. "Hey, Y/n, it's alright. Take your time." You smiled a bit at him. He made you feel more comfortable than anyone else could.

"My parents died when I was... too young to remember. My grandmother took me in. She was the only person I had. She never told me how they really died, but she cared for me well. She died eventually too, of old age, and I was on my own." A small tear fell from your eye. Loki wiped it away and looked at you with love in his eyes. "I- I didn't know what to do. They took the house eventually but I was scared. So, I took some spare money she had in the house and ran. I ran to the other side of the village and 'bought' a small house that no one would dare touch. All I knew was what she taught me. And I guess it was enough to survive." 

Loki sat back and took in everything you'd told him. "I'm sorry, Y/n. No one should have to be so utterly alone. Not at any age but especially not so young. I can't change the past, but I hope you know you're not so alone now. You have me, and Thor I suppose too." You laughed a bit at his last remark. He smiled. "Thank you Loki. I couldn't ask for better friends." You hugged him. At first he wasn't quite sure how to react, but he wrapped his arms around you too.

When you pulled away you wiped the last tear from your cheek. "How long did you know?" You asked. Loki shrugged. "Whenever I came around to your place, they were never there. You never talked about them unless I asked. I figured I shouldn't say anything." You nodded slowly. "If it makes you feel any better, you've done great Y/n. On your own. I wouldn't have guessed those first days that you were... alone." You smiled a bit. "You're grandmother must have been a special person." He finished. "She was. She wanted me when no one else did." Loki glanced at you. "That's how I feel about my mother. But more importantly, that's how I feel about you."


Loki walked you home. He smiled when he saw a little shelf with the treasures he'd bought you on it. "I suppose you'll need a few more to fill the shelf there, won't you?" He asked, pointing to it. You laughed. "You know, all I really need is time with you Loki." You stated simply. He was surprised at this statement, not because he didn't believe it, but because he wasn't expecting it. "I'll still spoil you as much as I can, my family has more money than they know what to do with. Clearly." You knew he was talking about the poorer lives in Asgard. "Mind if I stay a bit?" Loki asked. "Of course not! You're always welcome here, Loki." He smiled and sat down on a floor pillow. You did the same and the two of you talked long into the night.

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