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Sorry this chapter's a bit boring and short.

The few trees around you allowed for patches of sunlight to form while you laid in the hammock. A bird sang in the distance and a cool breeze blew your hair ever so slightly. Life had changed so much and yet so little in so many ways, yet it was a true dream come true.

"Enjoying the sun?" A voice said. You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight and looking up. You gazed around, confused. No one was there. You closed your eyes again, it was likely that you'd imagined the voice since it sounded so much like Loki. Suddenly, the hammock began to sway a bit more. Couldn't be the breeze, could it? Your eyes snapped open this time and you turned to see Loki smirking at you, one hand on the hammock. You opened your mouth to say something but before you could he pushed the hammock hard. You let out a soft scream before crashing to the ground. "Loki!" You shouted. You slowly got up. He was laughing hard and steadied the hammock for you to lay in again.

"You really expect me to get back in?" You crossed your arms and fake pouted. Loki chuckled and put one hand to your face. "It was funny though, was it not?" You rolled your eyes. "For you maybe, dear." You couldn't help but smile a bit at his laugh.

You and Loki took a short walk and talked about your day. At one point Loki took your hand to hold in his and it felt like you were floating on air. Eventually you returned to the palace with him as it was already almost time for dinner and you hadn't eaten yet. Too much excitement to even think about food, although you were very hungry now. Loki led you to the dining hall where Thor was with a few others you didn't recognize. "Lady Y/n!" Thor exclaimed as you entered. You smiled and gave him a hug. Loki pulled out a seat for you and then sat beside you.

"Are you enjoying palace life?" Thor asked, taking a seat across from you. You nodded and he smiled. Only moments later a few servants filed into the room and set plates with wonderful food down in front of you, along with silverware and drinks. Loki shooed them away and Thor started eating quickly without hesitation. You were just glad they probably didn't mind how unfamiliar you were with fancy meals.

When you had all finished eating and the servants returned to collect the dishes, a loud crash echoed through the hall. Both Loki and Thor sharply looked in that direction and soon Loki stood up. "What was that?" You blurted out. The brothers looked at each other and then Loki's gaze rested on you. "Probably nothing to worry about, love." You could tell he wasn't being completely honest by the worried look on his face but nodded anyway.

Loki decided to go investigate the sound, just to be sure, while Thor was kind enough to escort you to your room for the night. After taking a nice shower and preparing for bed you climbed onto the window seating and looked over Asgard. It's beauty put you in awe and you could even see your little village. Soon enough, you started to drift off to sleep.

Golden Twilight | loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now