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Loki sat in his bed, throwing daggers at the wall. It was just past midnight but he couldn't sleep. Thoughts of you swirled in his mind. A small knock was heard at the door. "It's open, Thor." Loki said. Thor stepped in and closed the door behind him. He walked over and took a seat in a chair across from Loki's bed.

"Are you gonna go-"


"You know father might-"

"I know."

The brothers sat in silence for a while. "I just have to see her again, Thor. Even if it's the last time for a long time. I have to say something. I have to tell her how I feel." Thor nodded. "I know. Just... don't get caught." Loki looked out the window. "Tell her a goodbye from me too, please." Thor said. Loki nodded. "I will."

"Are you going tonight?" Thor asked, following Loki's gaze. Loki just nodded. "Be careful. I'm sorry Loki. It shouldn't have to be this way." Loki sighed. "But it is. Because Odin will never change his ways." Loki stood up and left the daggers in the wall. Thor examined them. Loki walked over to the window and opened it. "I can't get my horse without being seen. I'll have to walk. I might not return until late morning." He turned to Thor and his brother nodded. "I'll cover for you." Loki gave a firm nod and then vanished, his teleportation could only take him so far.


You sat by the river, the waterfall that you and Loki had visited moving in the background. You washed your feet and sang to yourself. The sun was just barely rising.

Loki pushed a branch and saw you. He had checked your house and thought to come here when he didn't find you there. He smiled when hearing your beautiful voice in song. Loki slowly walked up to you. "You have the voice of an angel." He said. You turned quickly, throwing a small rock in panic which hit him in the chest. "Sorry!" You said. Loki laughed. "Good instinct, darling." He sat beside you. You smiled widely at him, trying not to blush. "Come here often?" You joked, giving him a friendly nudge. He laughed and splashed a bit of water onto your legs. "Hey!" You said, doing the same to him.

After a short water fight, Loki turned to you. Seriousness reflected in his eyes. "Y/n, I need to talk to you about something." You looked at him and your own expression matched him. "Of course, Loki. Anything." He sighed before beginning.

"I took great care to keep our meetings secret. Thor did as well. Every moment I get to spend with you is something I'll never take for granted." You slightly smiled. "However, my parents know now. They disapprove. Not because you've done anything wrong, dear. Simply because I am a prince and you are-" You cut him off. "A peasant." He looked at the ground. "My father has forbid us from seeing you anymore. He could hurt you if I don't, Y/n, and I would never forgive myself if that happened." You swallowed hard. Loki placed his hand on yours. "I'm so sorry. I'd do anything to stay with you, you know that, right?" You nodded. "And I, you." You replied.

Loki sighed again. "I really don't know how to say this any other way, but I love you." You looked at him in the eyes. His expression turned soft and so did yours. "I love you, too." You just stared at each other for awhile. Taking everything in.

Loki leaned over and closed his eyes, you realized he was going to kiss you. You did the same and your lips met. It was a magical feeling and butterflies soared inside you. Loki's hand found your waste and pulled you a bit closer to him. When you eventually pulled away, blushing madly, Loki's eyes opened and he looked at you, smiling. "I will wait for you, my love. And one day, I promise, we will be together." You didn't know what to say, but your heart shattered as you realized this was the last time you'd see him for a very, very long time. Loki rose to his feet and you did the same.

He took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on it, his eyes never leaving yours. Oh how you longed to be with him. 

"Goodbye, Y/n." 

Your breath hitched.

"Goodbye, Loki."

He smiled once more and turned, leaving you to stand alone with a million thoughts that you couldn't control. A tear fell from your cheek.

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