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Sunlight streamed through Loki's bedroom window as he dressed himself for the day. A knock was heard at his door. "Come in!" Loki called, using his magic to fix his hair a bit. A palace servant came in and bowed. "Your mother wanted me to inform you that her plans for you and Thor have been cancelled. You're free for the day." He kindly smiled. Loki nodded in acknowledgment and the servant closed the door. Loki planned to return to the training place, even if Thor didn't want to join him. Perhaps he liked the thought of Thor not coming, but you had been on his mind all night. Why did he like you so much? You had barley said anything and were just a poor Asgardian. He didn't know, but he knew he wanted to speak with you again.


Loki rode out to the place you'd first met him the day prior. How would he find you? He knew which village you lived in, but perhaps you'd left for the day. Perhaps you'd lied... He decided to go anyway. Upon arrival he saw you immediately. You were bent down, petting a purring cat. Loki couldn't help but smile as he got off his horse and tied it up. Without taking his eyes off you, he left his horse to graze and walked over. The cat let out a mew of alarm and took off in the other direction. Your gaze followed it questioningly before looking over to Loki who had stopped.

He left some distance between the two of you as to not make you uncomfortable. You smiled shyly and he did in return. "Hello! "Y/n, is it?" He was sure of your name, but wanted to start a conversation. You admired his voice, his tall, lean stature, and his handsome appearance. You nodded. "Is Thor with you?" He shook his head, worry tinting his eyes. Was that who you wanted to see? You smiled, seeing the worry drift across his expression and not wanting to concern him. "Would you like to do something?" You asked, hopeful. He nodded quickly. "Anything in mind?" He asked. 

You weren't sure what to say. "Not really, I suppose we could go into the forest?" He was a prince, so perhaps he had higher standards of entertainment, but you didn't feel like you had too much to offer. The forests of Asgard were absolutely beautiful however, anyone could see that. Loki nodded and smiled sweetly, allowing you to lead the way. You took up this offer and walked into the woods.

Though you didn't have much money, you were able to make nice clothes for yourself. You thought gladly on this, as you wanted to make a good impression for the prince. "So tell me about yourself, Y/n." he stated. You weren't really sure where to begin but cleared your throat. "Well, I live in the small village I pointed out yesterday. I've lived in a few different homes there, but that's where I was born. I don't have much but.." you looked at him to see him nodding encouragingly "I have everything I need." you finished. Loki nodded. "I'm sorry your village has so little, I wish sometimes that my father would do something about that. None of our people should struggle." You smiled at the kind remark. "Oh, that's quite alright. It's all I've ever known." 

You stopped to pick some red berries from a nearby bush and Loki politely waited. "How do you know what is and is not eatable?" He asked, tilting his head. "Did your parents teach you?" You nodded. You hated lying to Loki, who'd been such a gentlemen to you, even more. But you didn't want to burden him with how alone you truly were. "It's easy to pick up things like that. There are things to look for." You simply stated, not wanting to bore him with your daily tasks. "Here, try one." You held out a berry and he opened his hand to take it. He looked at it and then back at you. You giggled, which made him smile. Perhaps it was just the sound of your happiness. "It's alright, it won't hurt you." You promised, eating one yourself. Loki threw the berry up and caught it, eating it thoughtfully. "You're right, they're quite sweet in fact." He said. You smiled and handed him another.

The two of you talked and laughed and played a game of hide and seek in the woods. You really enjoyed his company as you'd never had a real friend before, and to think it was the youngest prince of Asgard, the god of mischief. You spent the entire day together and soon enough the sun was beginning to set. 

"Please, give me the honor of walking you home." He said after noticing you look up at the sky. You were hesitant at first, but then agreed. He put his hand out for you to take and you blushed a bit. The two of you walked back to your village. Each step of the way you became more and more worried for what Loki might think or say upon seeing your living arrangements. When you finally arrived, he politely opened the sad excuse of a door and walked you inside. You picked up a match from the side table and lit the candle next to it. Loki took a few steps inside and looked around.

Before he could say anything you blew out the match and turned to him. "I know it's not much, but... it's home." Loki nodded and gave you that sweet smile of his. "It's lovely." He said. You breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm sure my parents are wondering where I've disappeared to and I should go home for a lecture about missing dinner. I'll see you again soon Y/n, won't I?" You loved the way he said your name. "I'd love that." With that, he said his final goodbye and left. Now, all you could think about was seeing him, your first friend, again.

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