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You returned home with Loki and Thor behind you. Thor had never laid eyes on your house before and took some time to look around. You opened a little cabinet that was empty now and placed the bread inside. When you turned, you saw Loki's sad expression. "Nothing else?" He asked after seeing the empty cabinet. You shook your head. He shook his head too and gave you a hug. "I don't want you to worry." You whispered to him. He pulled away. "It's a little late for that, my dear." You smiled. 

The boys said their goodbyes after making sure you were home safe and rode back to the palace. You watched Loki contently. How long would it be before you got to see him again? Night was closing in so you climbed into your loft and slipped under the covers. Oh how fast the sun went down. You twisted and turned, trying to get comfortable, which was always hard sleeping on wood and a blanket.

You heard a small "meow" and looked out the window beside you. "Kitty!" You exclaimed. "How'd you get yourself up here?" You opened the window more and the cat that you'd seen many times before let itself into your loft. You stoked it's back and it started to purr. It laid on your stomach. "Can I tell you a secret, kitty?" You asked. The cat looked up at you with beautiful golden eyes. You thought for a moment before saying anything, making sure to find the right words. You thought about Loki, his sweet voice and kind eyes. How he cared for you and trusted you with his life. All the adventures and precious moments you'd had with him. You looked at the cat again, who was now curled in a little ball. "I'm in love."


Loki and Thor walked gracefully through the palace, talking about ways to possibly help your village, and of course a bit of bickering. Three guards rounded the corner and stopped in front of them, bowing. "Princes, your parents wish to speak with you." Thor and Loki looked at each other and then nodded, following the guards to the throne room. Odin and Frigga stood in front of the throne, their expressions hard to read. The guards left them and Thor and Loki stepped forward. Thor took a bow and Loki simply clasped his hands behind his back.

"Not often must I state that I am disappointed in both of you, but today stands differently." Odin started. Loki lifted his head, trying to show no fear. Thor looked at the ground. "For centuries upon centuries the rich and the poor have been rightfully separated." Thor slowly looked up. "Tell me my sons, why have you befriended a peasant? You've given the right to anything you want, and yet you choose to spend time and make promises to the poorest of the poor." Loki glanced at Frigga to see if she felt the same way. She looked away. Loki stepped forward. "Father, why does her place in Asgard matter? She is one of us. She is kind and caring. She has done no wrong." 

Odin shook his head. "Do not lie to me, boy. I heard about the incident. Stealing. And it was not her first time doing so. Yet you defended her and paid what she owed. Is that fair? Is that right?" Thor spoke up. "Will you punish her?" Fear could be heard in his voice. "I will not waste my time with a peasant like herself. They are all unworthy. You two, however, are never to see her again, am I understood." Loki's head spun at the words. Never again? He stepped forward once more. "Father, why? She hasn't hurt anyone. She's our friend." Odin shook his head again. "I will not have the princes, the future kings of Asgard, the gods whom are destined to protect us spending their time helping a few of the poor. You are not to see her, go near her, or go anywhere near that village ever again. I will not repeat myself again. You are dismissed." Loki looked up in shock. "But, father-"

"ENOUGH!" Odin shouted. "I said dismissed." Thor looked at his brother and then back at Odin. The two of them backed away slowly and then left.

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