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You walked up the stairs and onto the balcony. Now, nothing was between you and him except a few people. His back was still to you and he didn't see you. He was talking and laughing with someone. You took a deep breath before walking forward. Loki felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and turned around. He froze when he saw you. Your beauty, your eyes, and that smile he hadn't seen in so long. "Y/n..." He breathed. He was almost speechless.

You gave him a big hug, you couldn't stop yourself. "Loki! I've missed you so much." His expression softened. "Darling, I've missed you more than the world could know." He took your hand, hesitant at first, but you nodded to show your approval. He placed a soft kiss on it. Loki looked around a bit and then back to you. "Let's get out of here." He said, winking. You nodded happily and followed him outside.

He brought you to a beautiful outdoor balcony that overlooked almost all of Asgard. "Wow..." You let out. Loki smiled at you. "It's beautiful!" You said, looking as far as you could. "It is." Loki said, his eyes still on you. You looked back to him and smiled, your cheeks turning pink. "Oh how I've missed that smile." He said, placing his hand on yours. "We have so much catching up to do. How are you Loki? Besides the death of your parents. I'm so sorry." Your expression shifted. "I'm fine, dear, how are you?" You smiled slightly. "I'm just fine, doing much better over the years."

"That's wonderful!" Loki replied. Both of you couldn't help but remember your last moments. The perfect first kiss and every emotion you felt. "You look great, I've seen you grew out your hair." You said, breaking the silence. Loki nodded. "And you just as beautiful as ever, darling. I hope you like the dress I picked for you." Your heart fluttered when he mentioned that he choose it. "I love it, Loki. I really do." Loki took your hand and opened it, palm up. He used his magic and a beautiful necklace appeared in your hand. "I wanted to give you this personally. It was my mothers and she told me that when I found someone to love, she wanted them to have it. I think she knew it would be you all along." You looked up at Loki with love in your eyes. "It's perfect, Loki."

Loki took the necklace and you turned around. He ever so gently put it on you. You turned back to face him, a smile playing on your lips. "I've always loved you Y/n. I know this may seem too soon, and if I'm moving too fast please let me know, but I want to make you mine. I want to love you forever and ever and no one else. Please." Loki looked at you with a longing in his eyes. A venerability. You'd heard people say he'd changed or become bitter and ruthless after discovering he was adopted, but that wasn't the Loki standing in front of you. That wasn't the Loki you had always loved. "Loki, I'd be more than happy to be yours." You took his hand that he'd place in front of you and he smiled. You could tell he was just about to lean in for a kiss when all of the sudden a servant came onto the balcony. "Sorry to disturb you, Prince Loki, but your brother requests you inside for his speech." Loki nodded and the servant hurried away. He smiled to you and you walked inside, hand in hand.

Thor gave a big speech and people cheered. You only really listened for a bit and you could tell the same for Loki. He kept looking over at you, squeezing your hand, or whispering things in your ear. When Thor was finished, Loki offered a dance. "I've never danced before." You said hesitantly. Loki laughed a deep, soothing laugh. His voice had only grown more attractive. "I'll show you! It's easy, come on." You did as he said and he spun you around. Slowly he placed his hand on your waist and pulled your hand to his shoulder. He then took the other and started to sway with you. You got the hang of it pretty quickly and had a wonderful time. Soon enough, Thor called for the coronation to begin.


Eventually night closed in and you became quite tired. "Y/n, are you growing tired?" Loki asked. You were sitting next to him at the bar and he took a sip of his drink. You nodded. "I'd be happy to walk you to our room." You looked at him confused.

"Oh, I mean.. uh.. if you'd like that, of course. If you want a separate room that's fine, there are plenty. We don't have to share..." You smiled and took a sip of your own drink. "Loki, I'd be happy to share a room with you now that we're together. I simply wasn't expecting the offer." Loki pulled a bit at the armor around his neck and you could tell he was nervous of saying the wrong thing. He put his drink down and stood up, smiling at you. You took his hand and he slipped away from the party with you, taking you up the stairs to his room.

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