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Many, many, many

Both Frigga and Odin have passed, Odin just very recently. Finally, after what feels like forever, it is Thor's turn to be king.

Loki faced the mirror. He picked up his hair brush when all of the sudden Thor bolted into the room. "Brother!" He cried with joy. Loki turned to face him in confusion. "Can't you knock?" Loki turned back to the mirror and began brushing his hair. Thor walked over to him and handed him a piece of paper, smiling madly. Loki rolled his eyes and opened the folded paper, scanning it.

Dear Y/n Y/ln,
You are invited to the coronation of soon to be King Thor that will be taking place tonight. Please feel free to wear the dress provided to you by the King. Any and all other information is provided below... 

Loki looked up at his brother, speechless. "She's coming? Tonight?" His eyes were wide with shock. "I know how long you've waited to see her, brother. I decided to invite her formally. I apologize for not speaking to you about it earlier but-" Thor was cut off with a hug from Loki. Loki pulled away. "Perhaps you won't make such a poor king after all." Thor smiled and a guard walked into the room.

"King Thor, Prince Loki." He bowed. "We are ready." Loki looked at Thor in confusion. "They will personally take the invitation to Y/n." He nodded. Thor handed them the paper.


You tied your apron behind you when all the sudden someone knocked on the door. This was always a bit worrisome to you. You slowly and carefully opened the door, shocked to see two palace guards standing in front of you. Of course you had heard the news that Odin had passed, everyone had, but what were they doing in your village? You bowed to them. "Lady Y/n, a personal invitation from King Thor. He hopes to see you tonight." The shock was probably very visible on your face. They said goodbye and left, leaving you frozen.

You opened the invitation and read the contents. You were going to see Thor and... Loki... tonight. Finally going to see Loki again after all this time. After rereading the time over and over again to make sure you had it right, you looked up confused. Dress? They hadn't given you a dress. Suddenly, a dress appeared on the table to your left. You slowly picked it up to admire it. Loki must have used his magic. The dress was dark blue with gold embroidery. It was beautiful.


The time to leave for the coronation came. You looked yourself over once more. When you left, you received many stares from passing villagers. Rightfully so. You went to the public village stable, a newer installment within the past year, and turned to your horse. She was black and white with a little star on her head. "How to ride a horse in a dress..." You mumbled to yourself before managing to get on. Off you road to the palace.


When you arrived, a kind palace worker offered to take your horse and put it in a pasture with the other guest's. You agreed and stopped in awe. You'd never been so close to the palace before and it felt magical. When walking inside you couldn't help but think about Loki. Did he still love you? Perhaps he'd found another?

You stepped into the beautiful ballroom in which the party was taking place before the coronation. You almost immediately spotted Thor talking to a few other people, his loud voice echoing across the room. There were many, many people, all of which you didn't know. You looked around for Loki but couldn't find him. You decided to try talking to Thor.

Slowly but surely you made your way to the King. "Y/n!" Thor said excitedly when he saw you. You couldn't help but smile as he gave you a big hug. The other guests that Thor had been talking to decided to move away, leaving just you and Thor to talk. "It's wonderful to see you again, Y/n! I'm so glad you made it, and I'm sure my brother will be too! I told him you'd come, but he was afraid you may not." You smiled again, not really sure what to say. "I'm sorry about the loss of your father." You started. "I know you'll make a wonderful king, Thor. A king that Asgard truly needs." Thor smiled at this and laughed joyfully. "I'm honored, Y/n. Please know that your village will no longer suffer." You smiled, wanting to believe him more than anything.

"I'm sure you'd like to see Loki." Thor continued. You nodded quickly. Thor pointed to a balcony that had been out of view before. Sure enough you could see Loki's black hair, longer than before, and the golden horns people always spoke of. He wore gold and green armor with a long cape and his back was to you. "Go on!" Thor encouraged. You smiled and thanked him before leaving to see the god of mischief.

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