Chapter 2- Don't Forget Me

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After getting dressed into my cloths The Doctor picked out for me, I came out of my room to smell bacon being cooked.

"DOCTOR?" I yelled so he could hear me.

"IN THE KITCHEN" he yelled back as I followed his voice. After many, many different hallways, I entered the kitchen to see The Doctor in an apron, cooking bacon and pancakes.

"hey" I said smiling as he turned to me with flour all over himself, along with pancake batter.

"Oh Doctor" I said face palming, and taking over the cooking part. I handed him a plate with 2 pancakes, and 2 pieces if bacon.

"Thanks" He said his smile jumping of his face. I ended up wearing his "Kiss The Cook" apron, while I cooked the rest of the food and carefully set them on different plates.

"Hey Cha- I mean Ashlyn. Why don't you come and sit down and actually eat?" he said leaning against the side of the counter as I continued to cook. I ignored him.

"Ashlyn?" he said once more.

"Why do you keep calling me Chancer?" I said turning away from the food and looking at him.

"Its a long story. You'll know it soon enough." he said smiling and taking two pancakes and setting them on a plate for me.

"Here just sit down." he said smiling and prying my hands off the spatula and pan.

"Im going to be in the library when your done" he said smiling and walking off. About 10 minutes later, I finished my breakfast and walked down to the library. I entered the library, and looked around in astonishment.

"Woah" I said to myself quietly.

"Im up here Ashlyn!" he yelled down from the third floor. I quickly made my way up there, and The Doctor was reading ancient Gallifreyan books.

"Whatcha reading" I said walking over to him.

"Oh! Umm... Nothing!" he said as he quickly put the book back in its place. I looked at him confused. I brushed it off quickly, to avoid any type of argument. He took my hand and led me to the console room.

"So where are we going?" I said smiling in excitement.

"I.. Um.. Im going to take you home."

~Doctors POV~

"W-what? Why? Did I do something wrong?" I saw as hurt rushed through her eyes.

"No. No. You didn't do anything wrong. I just think you should take a break." I said trying not to show sadness in my tone. I started flipping switches and running around the console. I turned to see a tear run down her cheek.

I quickly came over to, and wiped away her tear with my thumb. I looked into her eyes and saw another thing that I didn't see before. Fear. I walked away from her and opened the TARDIS doors. She just stood there, fearful of what might happen when she leaves.

"Ashlyn..." I said motioning for her to come to me. She slowly walked away from the console and walked over to the doors, by where I was standing. She turned to me, and placed her hand on my cheek.

"Y-you be good to yourself." she said looking into my eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I promise" I said as I put my hand on top of hers.

"When I first met you.." she said turning away from me and looking at her house.

"I thought you were just a madman in a box. But you are so much more than that. i can see it in your eyes. Your eyes are old, and tattered. I can see you have been through so much more than you put out there." I watched as he wind blew her curly almond hair. she turned back to me.

"Don't forget me Doctor. Come back for me. We can travel the stars together." I watched as she walked out of the TARDIS, not turning back to me as she walked into her house and closed the door.

~Ashlyns POV~

I walked into my house, closing the door behind me and not looking back at the TARDIS as I heard the familiar weezing noise. I walked into the living room, to see my mom was standing there with a mug in her hand. She dropped the mug, and started crying as she ran over to hug me.

"Oh hi. Mom? Whats Wrong?" I said as I looked at her face. I looked over at the coffee table to see flyers saying I went missing 5 months ago.

"Oh my god." I said looking back at my mom. "Oh my god.I'm so sorry." I said as i hugged my mother tightly.

"W-where the hell were you!" she said with a stern tone.

"I-uh. I went traveling." I said as her green eyes were shooting daggers at me.

"Ashlyn Charis Irizarry! You're only bloody 13!" I watched as my father came in to the room, and also dropped his coffee.

"Look you guys. I know you aren't going to believe me, but I went traveling with... with The Doctor." I said as they looked at me like I kicked a puppy.

"Wh-Why didn't you at least tell us you were leaving?!?" My father said with worry in his voice.

"Look. For me its only been one day since I saw you. I don't think he-" I was cut off by my mother ripping the key off my neck, and throwing it in the trashcan.

"TO HELL WITH THE DOCTOR AND ALL THIS NON SENSE! GOT TO YOUR ROOM!" I started crying as I quickly grabbed the key out of the trashcan and ran upstairs into my room. I flopped down on my bed crying and holding the key close to me, remembering that The Doctor will come back for me.

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