Chapter 19- Hide

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"So where are we going tooodddayyyy" I threw myself onto the seat across from the console, watching The Doctors every move.

"We are going to be ghostbusters today" He ran to the door after the TARDIS landed, and I followed close behind. We walked up to a what looked like a haunted mansion. We walked up to the door, and The Doctor knocked. A man opened the door and looked at us confused.

"Boo! Hello, Im looking for a ghost!" I walked up next to The Doctor.

"And who are you?" He asked looking us up and down.

"Ghostbusters" I smiled and he let us in.

"Im The Doctor." The Doctor held up his psychic paper.

"Doctor what?" The Doctor and I studied the equipment.

"If you like. And this is Eternity, my lovely wife." I waved sweetly at him.

"Ah. But you are very different. You are major Alec Palmer. Member of the Baker Street Irregulars, Ministry of the Ungentlemanly Warfare. Specialized in espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance behind enemy lines. You're a talented watercolorist, professor of psychology, and ghost hunter. Total pleasure. Massive." We both shook his hands, and I started to feel giddy inside.

"Actually, you're wrong. Professor spent most of the war as a POW." I turned to the woman with brown curly hair.

"Actually, thats a lie told by a very brave man involved in very secret operations. The type of man who keeps a Victoria Cross box in the attic, eh? But you know that, because you're Emma Grayling, the Professors companion."

"Assistant" she quickly corrected.

"Its 1974. You're the assistant and non-objective equipment. Meaning psychic." The Doctor smiled at Emma, and then down at me.

"Getting that. Bless you though" I laughed.

"Relax, Emma. He's Military Intelligence. So what is all of this in aid of?" Alec said putting his hands on his hips.

"Health and safety. Yeah, the Ministry got wind of whats going on down here. Sent me back to check that everything is in order." I crossed my arms smiling at the pair.

"they don't have the right." Palmer said walking around the room

"Don't worry guv'nor, I'll be out of your hair in five minutes. Oh! Oh look! lovely!" The Doctor said leading me to the interesting equipment.

"The ACR 99821. Oh bliss. Nice action on the toggle switches. You know, I do love a switch. I like the word toggle. Nice noun. Excellent verb. Oi! Don't mess with the settings!" I swatted his hand off, and did a quick sweep with my sonic.

"Whats that?" Alec asked confused as to what I did.

"Gadget. Health and safety. Classified, Im afraid. You know, while the back room boffins work out a few kinks" I said smiling at him.

"Whats is telling you?" Emma asked stepping forward.

"Its telling me that you haven't been exposed to any life threatening transmundane emanations. So, wheres the ghost? Show me the ghost. Its ghost time. We walked over to this hallway, and I followed as The Doctor led the way with a three pronged candelabra.

"I will not have this stolen out from under me, do you understand." I turned to Palmer.

"Er, no, not really, sorry." The Doctor faced me and smiled at me.

"I will not have my work stolen, then be fobbed off with a pat on the back and a letter from the Queen. Never again. This is my house Doctor, and it belongs to me." I quickly swung around facing him again.

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