Chapter 16- Midnight Part 1

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I awoke to be in The Doctors arm, resting up against the console. I didn't want to wake him, so I carefully got up. He rustled a bit, then fell back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen with my head hanging low as I remembered what happened.

I sat down after making myself a cup of coffee. I stare at the wall, brooding my life. Just before everything happen, I had picked out a name.

Arkytior. It means Rose in High Gallifreyan, its the name of his granddaughter, and I knew he would love it.

Two times in a row now, my children have died. I wonder what The Doctor is feeling. Most likely how I am feeling right now. I parted with my thoughts, as I heard The Doctor shuffle in. He made himself a cup of coffee, and sat next to me. "How are doing?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Arkytior." I said turning to him.

"What?" his eyes widened at the name.

"Thats the name I picked for her. I knew you'd like it." I said smiling quickly, and then turning back to my coffee.

"Eternity. I have an idea." I watched his eyes. They weren't the bright green they usually are. They were dark, and they almost were black.

"I could use my regener-"

"No." I cut him off, turning away. "

You are not going to do that. If anything, I would do it." I stood up from the table and walked over to fridge grabbing fish sticks and custard.

"I will do it." I said turning back to him.

"Eternity.." I watched a he stood up and walked over to me.

"Its my choice Doctor. I am going to save our child before its too late." I looked up at him, and I took his hand in mine. He shook his head, and then came to terms.

"A-alright." He said letting go of my hand, and leading me to the bedroom. I lay on the bed, and left up my shirt, so I could see my stomach. I placed my hands on the slowly disappearing baby bump, and I looked over at The Doctor, who had pure terror on his face. I concentrated putting my regeneration energy on the baby, and my stomach lit up.

I could feel the body slowly start to form again, back to the stage it was before. I felt a terrible pain run trough my spine, and I screamed in pain. The Doctor ran next to me, and held on to my shoulder as I screamed. The pain stopped, and panted, out of breath. I looked at The Doctor and smiled, happy with the outcome. He smiled back, and I kissed him putting my arms around his neck.

I stood up, and The Doctor helped me into the console room. I sat down on the seat, as The Doctor pulled levers and what not.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he turned around to me.
"Midnight" He said as he turned back to the console.

"Midnight? What's that?" I asked standing up successfully not falling down.

"Its a planet. But I want the rest to be a surprise." the TARDIS landed, and we walked into a hotel, that was elegant, and made almost completely of glass. I took The Doctors hand and we walked up to the main reception desk.

"Hello there. My wife here has had a really hard, day and she need the highest treatment available in the spa." He flashed his psychic, and the woman's eyes widened.

"Oh. Yes of course sir. She'll be in the best of hands." She smiled and walked next to us.

"She better be. Or you'll have me to answer too." The Doctor gave a stern look at her, and then I followed her into a room with a glass dome, and a pool. I watched as they set up a massage table, and brought out the bunches of boxes filled with nail polish. I picked out a dark blue color. I relaxed, as they painted my nails, and I put my feet in the warm water.

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