Chapter 26- Vincent and The Doctor

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"Thanks for bringing me." I smiled at The Doctor.

"Youre welcome." he kissed my forehead, and then went back to the paintings.

"Each of these pictures is worth tens of millions of pounds, yet in his lifetime he was a commercial disaster. Sold only one painting, and that to a sister of a friend. We have here the possibly the greatest artist of all time, but when he died you could have sold his entire body of work and get enough money to buy a sofa and a couple of chairs. If you follow me now..." I listened as the curator explained.

"Who is it?" I studied the paintings.

"Its the doctor." The Doctor and I turned to see two schoolboys looking at a painting of Doctor Gachet.

"He was the doctor who took care of Van Gogh when he started to go mad." I laughed at the boys debate, then walked over to one of my favorites.

"Look. There it is. The actual one." I exclaimed as I held up my book, which had the copy of the painting.

"Yes. You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you, carving the colours into shapes. Wait a minute." The Doctor leaned in closer, and studied something in the window.

"Well just look at that." I squinted my eyes, noticing a face of some sort.

"Something very not good indeed." I turned around, and faced the curator.

"Excuse me. If we can just interrupt for one second. Sorry everyone. Routine inspection, Ministry of Art and Artiness." I flashed everyone my psychic paper, and turned to The Doctor for a second.

"So, doctor Black. DO you know when the painting of the church was painted. And as specific as you can, and quick." He thought for a minute.

"Well, in that case somewhere between the first and third of tune, 1890." I winked, and then pulled The Doctor by bowtie into the TARDIS. I quickly pulled the lever and typed in the coordinates. The TARDIS landed, and we stepped out onto a narrow alley way.

"Right, so, heres the plan. We find Vincent and he leads us straight to the church and our nasty friend." I looked in my pamplet, and saw a picture of the local cafe, as The Doctor explained where he will most likely be. He confirmed that the picture in my book is what the cafe would look like.

"Or indeed like that?" I said pointing to the real version of the cafe. I smiled and took his hand, and somewhat ran towards it.

"Good evening. Does the name Vincent Van Gogh ring a bell?" The Doctor asked leaning down in front of the waitress.

"Dont mention that man to me." I furrowed m eye brows and looked at her.

"Excuse me. Do you know Van Gogh?" The Doctor asked another waitress.

"Unfortunately." She rolled her eyes at us.

"Unfortunately?" I questioned giving her a confused look.

"He's drunk, hes mad, and he never pays his bills." I rolled my eyes, then looked at The Doctor, wondering why we came here if we cant even find him.

"Good painter, though, eh?" Everyone laughed hysterically at The Doctors comment.

"Come on! Come on! One painting for one drink. Thats not a bad deal." I silently squealed as Vincent Van Gogh was standing right in front of me.

"It wouldnt be a bad deal if the painting were any good. I cant hang that up on my walls. It'd scare customers half to death. Its bad enough having you here in person, let alone looming over the customers day and night in a stupid hat. You pay money, or you get out." The owner ranted.

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