Chapter 3- Hello Again

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"You will never go with him ever again! He will never come back for you!" My mother shouted as she stood over me. Then, suddenly, The Doctor walked in.

"Im never taking you with me, and you never meant anything to me!" The Doctor whispered yelled as his eyes filled with and rage and anger, and then he slapped me.

"Why would you do this to me Doctor?" I cried as he dragged me out by my hair, and threw me into the road.

"GO! You might as well go kill yourself!" The man I thought would be there and understand me, wanted me to kill myself. I watched as a car came rushing down the road, hitting me.

I jumped up from my bad dream, which seemed too real. I heard a knock on my door.

"Ashlyn? Are you okay? I have pancakes downstairs" I could hear her smiling as she said that.

"I'll be done in 5" I said getting up, taking the locket and key, and walking downstairs. I walked down to see what I have been longing for so long. I saw The Doctor conversing with my dad on the couch.

"D-doctor?" I said a tear rolling down my cheek. He turned to me smiling, and getting up to hug me.

"How could you?" I said me tears running down my face.

"What do you mean?" he said going to hug me, but I flinched under his touch.

"Ash is everything okay?" he pulled away immediately and looked into my eyes.

"4 years." I whispered, but surely enough he heard me. "You waited 4 years to come and get me? I thought you would never come back!" I sobbed.

"Ashlyn... I'm so so-" he was cut off my by my hand meeting his cheek.

"I have been to 4 other psychiatrists trying to figure out whats wrong with me." I said as I started to walk away.

"Ashlyn... wait." He went to grab my hand, and flinched once again.

"Ashlyn? Why are you acting like you're afraid of me?" he said as I saw hurt in his eyes.

"Im just going to get my stuff." I walked up the stairs, and into my room to grab what I thought I needed. I grabbed my iPhone 6, my polaroid camera with some film, and my makeup and shoved it all into a bag. I quickly changed into a TARDIS blue sun dress and the pair of all black converse from 4 years ago, and I let down my curly, almond hair.

I walked down the stairs to see The Doctor closely watching me, and when I got to the bottom, he quickly pulled me into an embrace.

"I missed you so much" I said listening to his hearts in his chest.

"I missed you too. You look brilliant" he said letting go with a smile that went from ear to ear.

"Ready to go?" he said holding my hand and leading me down to my parents. I went over to my mom and hugged her.

"I told you I wasn't mad" I whispered into her ear and giving her a glare. I did the same to my dad, and we ran out the front door and to the TARDIS.

"You ready?" he said excitedly with a giant smile.

"Hell yes I am!" I said as I took his hand again. He unlocked the TARDIS and we ran in.

"Oh I missed this place!" I said hugging one of the Y beams.

"So where are we going to go today, Mister?" I said walking over to The Doctor.

"Well first things first. We need to open that locket of yours." he said taking the locket carefully off of my neck.

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