Chapter 29- Invasion of The Small Black Cubes

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After I woke up from me getting knocked out by Uncle, I was quite confused as to what was going on. I woke up in the TARDIS, to see the woman who apparently was the TARDIS, and The Doctor talking, but she looked like a hologram of some sort.

I slowly walked up to them, trying not to distract him. I could hear him sniffling, and I walked up behind him, and put my hand of his shoulder. He flinched, then quickly snapped his head looking at me. I enveloped him into a hug, after she faded away. I could feel my shoulder getting wet with The Doctors tears. I rubbed circles on his back, and he pulled away, looking at me. I gently placed my hand on his cheek, then kissed him softly. He pulled away, and I typed in the coordinates for our home, and took his hand in mine as we walked out the doors. I walked him over to the couch, motioning for him to sit down.

I made my way to the kitchen, and made him a cup of tea, with a package of Jammie Dodgers on the side. He smiled up at me, and his eyes grew wide as I handed him the plate. I imagined that he wanted alone time, so I started walking up the stairs.

"Oi! You! Come back here!" Before I could even comprehend what was going on, The Doctor had already picked me up bridal style, and thrown me onto the couch. I rolled my eyes smiling, and pulled him down with me. I couldnt help but take after his childish actions, so I started tickling him.

"Oh my god! Im going to kill you Eternity!" He giggled as I laughed at his response.

"No you wont.. You love me too much." I teased, then suddenly he gently pushed me off the couch and onto the floor. He sat on top of me now, tickling me as I squirmed like crazy.

"Doctor! Stop!" I yelled as I also laughed.

"Whats the magic word?" he stopped for a minute and looked at me with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes, and pushed him off of me, and walked into the kitchen getting ice cream from the fridge. I sat back down on the couch, and I noticed that there was a random black cube on the coffee table.

"Where did you get this?" I asked holding it up, and looking at it in the sunlight.

"I thought you bought it." He walked over the bookcase and, and picked out a book to read. He flopped down next to me, hanging his head over the edge of the couch, and his hair fell over his face.

"Eh, whatever, Im going to go sit in the backyard." I got up, and put my coat on. I soon as I opened the door, I gasped as I saw about 50 more of the cubes strewn about.

"Doctor.. Come here.." I turned to him, and he quickly got up walking over to me. I opend the door wider, so he could see. I looked up at him, and he walked outside, avoiding eye contact, I dont think on purpose. He picked one up, and crouched down. He looked at it closely, the turned to me.

"Invasion of the very small cubes." He smiled and ran back into the kitchen, still with the cube in his hand. He took a pan from the cabinet, and started to boil the cube.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked following behind him.

"Cooking some cubes." He scrambled around the kitchen, grabbing random things and throwing them into the pot. flopped down on the couch, and turned on MTV, and watched Jersey Shore, for it was the only thing on. Not my first choice.

"What is that crap youre watching?" The Doctor yelled from the kitchen. I laughed and shook my head, at his innocence to human TV shows and liking's. He came into the kitchen a little later, and set the cube down on the coffee table, intently looking at it.

"What are you doing now?" I watched as he didnt turn to look at me.

"Watching it." He actually turned to me and smiled, then went back to the cube with a blank face. I sighed, and then walked upstairs to take a nap. When I woke up, I heard the front door being smashed down, and people running in. I groggily got up, and walked downstairs to see Kate Lethbridge Stewart, and a whole military legion surrounding the house.

"What the hell is going on?" I stumbled over to The Doctor and looked up at him waiting for an explanation.

"The cubes. They want info." The doctor held one up, then tossed it to me. I turned to Kate, looking for yet another explanation unto why she broke into our house.

"And why did you have to break into our bloody house? Would you care to knock next time?" I crossed my arms, and felt The Doctors hand on my shoulder, telling me to calm down a bit.

"Whatever. Im going back to bed." I walked upstairs, then felt someone grab my hand. I quickly whipped around, and saw The Doctor with pleading eyes.

"Come on Eternity. Come help." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Im a pregnant alien. I wont be of any help." He pulled me along anyway, and we made our way to the tower of London. Once we were there, she led us into a dark room with cases of the cubes. I opened one of the doors, and the cube was playing the chicken dance song. The Doctor and I put our fingers in our ears, almost on queue, with annoyed looks on our faces. Kate closed the door, and she showed us the other ones.

Rest of the day was pretty simple, besides The Doctor almost dying, and I had to revive one of his hearts. We walked back to our house, hand in hand, and then sat down on the couch and watched The Avengers while we ate jelly babies and Jammie Dodgers. This was all going so well. Almost too well. I looked at him, and suddenly I saw what felt like a vision in my head. I jumped back screaming, and wouldnt let The Doctor come near me.

"Eternity? Whats wrong?" He looked at me confused, his eye brows furrowing.



Hello sweeties! Im sorry that these last few chapters have been very sloppy. Ive been really busy lately with state testing and what not, so I know theyve been terrible. Anyway, tomorrow, I am sorry to say, is the end of this road. Im going to make it really long to make up for these chapters, and I might not even finish it tomorrow, so it might be Wednesday. I dont know, we'll see. Goodnight! Cant thank you guys enough for the support!

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