Chapter 17- Midnight Part 2

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I jumped as I heard the knocks, and then running over to The Doctor.

"Doctor! There were four knocks this time! Everybody is freaking out!" I said out of breath. He came over and hugged me.

"Eternity.. You need to trust me okay? Im going to get this sorted out." I unlatched myself from him, and looked up at him.

"Please stay with me out there. I don't trust those people, and I don't know if I feel safe. They're already talking about throwing people of to give the "thing" what it wants." I held onto his sleeves tightly, and worried.

"Okay. I'll come with." He kissed me, and we walked out of the room hand in hand. I led him to our seats, and he sat down. I lay my head on his lap, and he pet my hair.

"The men and I looked outside. There is defiantly something out there." He whispered making sure no one else heard him.

"Doctor. Im scared." I said a tear running down the side of my face.

"Hey. Hey.. Its going to be okay. Im going to you and the baby out of here alive." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. He gently lifted up my head, and stood up.

I looked at him, smiling. We were startled by more knocking, which seemed to follow the blond woman. She was scared,a you could see it written all over her face. She back up to a wall, and slid down it.

"Get away from there!" I yelled as everything went black, and sparks started going everywhere. The bus shook widely, and everyone screamed and yelled.

"Doctor!" I yelled as I slid back on the floor, hitting my head on a sharp object. I felt the back of my head and my vision blurred, as I saw the blood on my hand. My vision started when The Doctor ran over to my side.

~Doctors POV~

I heard Eternity scream as she hit her head on a sharp metal part of a chair. I managed making my way to her, after falling a couple of times as the bus shook. I finally made it to her after the bus stopped shaking, and she passed out.

I saw blood on her hand, and then I felt the back of her head, and she was bleeding a lot. I quickly ran over to the first aid kit and pulled a some gauze, wrapping it around her head. I picked her up and lay her down on some seats, and used my tweed jacket as a little blanket.

"Torches! Everyone take a torch! They're in the back of the seats!" the hostess said out of breath, walking towards us. Everyone turned to face the blond woman, who sat in a corner, with her knees to her chest. I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. Its alright. Its alright." I soothed in a soft voice.

"We're all still alive, see? The walls still intact." I said pointing my torch at the dented wall. The hostess was getting frustrated, and opened the door to where the drivers were, and the sunlight shown on us, burning our skin. I ran over to Eternity, shielding her in a way. The hostess quickly made her way and closed the door as everyone screamed. I walked over to a panel and scanned it with my sonic.

"Ahh! Thats a little better! Some light!" Everyone pointed their torches at me, providing more light.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" One of the woman asked. I pulled out the panel, to see a bunch of different wires. I examined it closely, and stood up.

"Im sorry. They've been reduced to dust. The driver and the mechanic." the hostess gasped and stood back.

"They sent a distress signal. They saved our lives, and we are going to get out of here. I promise." I looked around the room at the frightened people.

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