Chapter 24- I Promise

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I woke up in or bed, and looked around. I noticed that there was some type of note on my vanity. I got and put my robe, and then walked over to the desk. I picked up the note suspiciously. Luckily, it was a note from The Doctor and it said that he was out "shopping" in the shops or cornucopia.

I got dressed in my everyday attire, and walked into the console, then made my way to the doors. I opened the door to go outside. I walked out to see The Doctor bargaining with a store owner. I crept up behind him, and took his hand in mine. He jumped a bit, but then looked down at me.

"Hey" he smiled at then turned back to the store owner.

"Now please sir, I know you saw blond man walk by here. I saw him." I furrowed my eye brows.

"Whats going on?" I asked looking up at him.

"All of hell is here. Again." I knew exactly who he was talking about know.

"No.." My eyes widened, and I turned around to see the man I never wanted to see again approaching us.

"Doctor.." I turned his head over to The Master sprinting towards us with an evil smile on his face. The Doctor took my hand and started running me back to the TARDIS. But before I could walk inside, The Master pulled me by my hair, and dragged me to the ground.

"Let.. Go.. Of.. Me!" I cried as all the towns people ran flooded out screaming.

"Doctor!" I screamed as The Doctor ran towards us. The Master pulled out a Vortex Manipulator, and pressed in coordinates.

"No! Eternity!" The Doctor screamed, then I was up in some type of ship. I looked around quickly, and The Masters eyes met with mine.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as he helped me up.

"Im taking back what is rightfully mine." He smiled at me nicely, then led me to "our" room, which I was completely dreading.

"lay down. Your tired. I'll call you when its time for dinner." He kissed me on the forehead with his chapped lips, and I smacked him.

"Dont touch me." I demanded as he shook his head. I lay in the bed crying, hoping The Doctor would come and get me soon.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, and room. I turned over to see The Master staring at me. I cringed and got up, then got dressed, being conscious as I could feel his eyes on me.

"Master. You need to get over that we're never going to be together again. I have a life now, with The Doctor." I said turning to him, trying not to sound harsh.

"Look, I only want the TARDIS. I'll give you back after that." He walked over to me, and pushed me gently up against the wall, kissing my neck.

"No, leave me alone!" I stabbed him in the back. He screamed out in pain, and fell to the ground.

"Dont ever touch me in such a way again." Gold light started coming from his body, and I ran out of the room. I heard things falling and breaking in the room. After I heard all of the noise was over, I slwly opened the door, to see The Master hunched over. He quickly turned to me, but he didnt look any different.

"Master?" I stepped into the room nervously. He smiled at me evilly, and then walked towards me. I backed into a wall, and I felt his fist meet with my face. I fell to the ground, holding the side of my face, and I felt blood drip onto my hand. He leaned down to my level, and helped me up.

"Sit down on the bed." He commanded, but I was being stubborn.

"SIT DOWN!" He yelled, and I slowly sat down on the bed.

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