Chapter 4- Cornucopia

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The Doctor took my hand and we ran towards the city, surly we would smell like a fragrance store after running through the field. We finally made it to the city, and my allergies were killing me. I kept sneezing over and over again, and every time The Doctor would bless me, but in different accents or languages.

We made our way through the shops and hoards of different races. There was one in particular that caught my eye.

"Can we check this place out?" I said turning to The Doctor and taking his hand in mine. "Of course." He said smiling and leading me into the shop.

The shop was full of exotic jewelry, and trinkets. One thing that caught my eyes in particular, was a ring. The band was a matte black, and the the diamond was centered, and was a dark TARDIS blue. I looked at it in aw, as The Doctor made his way over to me.

"Whatcha looking at?" he said putting his arm around my waist.

"This ring is so beautiful.." It looked as if in the diamond, you could see the Medusa Cascade. We both heard a piercing scream, and The Doctor and I exchanged looks, running out of the store.

We ran outside of the shop hand in hand to find Daleks were terrorizing the towns people. The Doctor puled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the Dalek up and down about 5 times. "Its a new race of Dalek. None that I have ever seen." he said looking at me, and I could see a spark of fear in his eyes. I gave The Doctor a look, and then ran from him and through the crowds of screaming people.

"ETERNITY!" The Doctor yelled as he ran after me. I stopped when I came to the Dalek.

"STOP! STOP! Do you know what I am Dalek? Scan me and find out!"

~Doctors POV~

I ran up next to Eternity and held her hand as the Dalek scanned us. Suddenly, the Dalek scooted back from us.

"Yeah thats what I thought. Now take us to Davros. Thats an order!" She yelled back at the Dalek.

"You will come or you be will exterminated!" the Dalek screamed.

"Under one condition." I said stopping dead in my tracks. "Whats is your trade! Explain! Explain!" I looked at Eternity, and she gave me a reassuring squeeze.

"You will stop terrorizing these innocent people!" Eternity barked at the Dalek, as everyone in the market place was watching.

"Understood! Now Come with me Timelords!" we followed the Dalek closely as it led us to a teleport, where were beamed up to a Dalek ship.

"You have us! Now what do you want with this planet?" Eternity yelled loud enough for all of the Daleks in the court room to hear us.

"This is a level 5 planet and under the order of The Shadow Pro-" Eternity was cut off by Davros.

"We were looking for you two." he said as Eternity and I once again attached our hands together.

"Well you have us now. What do you want?" I asked as Davros came closer towards us. I slowly put Eternity behind me, shielding her. Davros circled us stopping when he came to Eternity.

"What a beautiful lady friend you have Doctor. I would love to have her by my side." He said as he sniffed Eternity's hair.

"No. You will not touch her." I said turning around and facing him.

"Oh. and she's Timelord too." he smiled.

"Timelady thank you very much." she said with a full amount of sass in her tone. He grabbed her by her jaw, and looked her in the eyes.

"You don't dare sass me child of time." his grip was tight, and when he let go, there would dark red spots where his hand had been on Eternity's jaw.

"Now how am I going to take you from him?" he said with a sly smile on his face as he talked.

"You will not touch her you foul pig!" The Doctor spat. "Why the hell do you want us?" Eternity asked, grabbing hold of my hand again.

"I don't want both of you. I only want you dear. I want you to become my mistress." he said licking his lips. Eternity stepped toward Davros.

"Well you know one thing that Daleks should really start doing before they let people onto their ship?" He looked at her confused.

"You should really start checking peoples pockets."

~Eternity's POV~

I took my sonic screwdriver out of my pocket and sent out a distress signal to the TARDIS, and only a few seconds later, she appeared right next to us. I turned around to The Doctor and he gave me a smile as we both ran into the TARDIS. we closed the doors, then I remembered something.

I opened the doors back up and I stuck my head out,

"And I forgot. Don't let me talk" I said as I Activated the self destruct with my sonic. "bye" I said closing the door and looking to see The Doctor walking towards me. He hugged me and spun me around and kissed me on the cheek.

"Now that; that was absolutely brilliant." He ran towards the console and turned on the shields on as we heard the Daleks outside of the TARDIS. We tried to take off, when something happened.

"Woah. Whats happening?" I said as we were obviously being lifted up, but not by the TARDIS. The Doctor ran around frantically trying to figure out what was going on.

"They have us being teleported back to the ship." he said with a concerned look on his face. "Not to mention they took the shields down." I said looking out the TARDIS doors.

"WHAT!" he yelled he yelled in confusion. I closed the doors, and ran back over to him. We suddenly stopped and we fell to the floor. We both looked at each other and ran towards the door. We opened the door, and there stood a Dalek.

"You will be exterminated!" the Dalek whined. "NO!" The Doctor said as the Dalek fired, and stepped in front of me. Instead, of the laser hitting me, it hit The Doctor, and I caught him as he fell to the ground.

I quickly pulled him back into the TARDIS, and closed the door.

"SHIELDS ON NOW!" I screamed at the TARDIS as I cried over The Doctors body. "NO!" I sobbed as I cried into his chest.

"I just got you back!" I cried. I stood up and saw that his body had started to turn gold, and before you knew it a new face was in place of his.

"Hello? Doctor?"

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