Chapter 20- The Pandorica Opens Part 1

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"Vavoom!" I turned to him curiously.

"Va-what?" He ran around the console frantically.

"I can't believe Ive never thought of this before. Its genius. Right. Landed. Come one." The Doctor took my hand and led me outside os the TARDIS.

"Where are we?" I liked around at the barren land that lay before us.

"Planet One. The oldest planet in the universe. And theres a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff theres writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time. And no one knows what it says, because no ones ever translated it. Till today." I smiled at him, then looked at the cliff.
"No... No.." I smiled and then took The Doctors hand and ran back into the TARDIS. I landed the TARDIS right where we should be. I ran over to door, to see a whole Roman legion. The Doctor followed behind me, and a Roman soldier came up to us, and got down on one knee.

"Hail Caesar!" I looked at The Doctor and smiled a bit.

"Hi" he Doctor said laughing.

"Welcome to Britain. We are honored by your presence."

"Well, you're only human. Arise, Roman peasant." I motioned my hand upwards with a sly look on my face.

"Cleopatra will see you now." I noticed that the Roman had a smear of red lipstick, which I assumed was hallucinogenic lipstick. Which meant we were in the right place. We followed the man closely, an I took The Doctors hand scared, at who I think Cleopatra will be. We walked through the tent, and saw the devil herself.

"Hello Sweetie" She said taking a sip of wine.

"Oh, and you've got your little pet. Thought she would never come back after what happened last time." I scolded her harshly.

"You graffitied the oldest cliff in the universe." I shook my head, anxiety rushing over me.

"You wouldn't answer your phone." She chuckled, then motioned for her slaves to leave. I watched as she handed us a painting.

"Whats this?" I asked studying the painting. "Its a painting. Vincent Van Gogh. One of his final works. He had visions, didn't he? I thought you ought to know about this one." I studied the painting. It was a version of starry night with an exploding TARDIS in the middle. On the door panel there were coordinates. We all quickly ran outside, and grabbed horses. We rode quickly to the where we thought it would be. Stonehenge. We got off of our horses and The Doctor and I started scanning everything until we found a hidden passage.

"The Underhenge." I said smiling. As we made it to the bottom of the staircase, I heard something twitching or shaking around. I blew it off realizing it was probably just a rat or something. I took my sonic and lit a torch for The Doctor, and one for me. I wasn't actually trying to annoy or forget about River, I just actually forgot she was there.

"Its a Pandorica." I walked over to it and ran my hand across the carvings. I watched carefully as The Doctors foot touched a Cybermen arm laying in the dust.

"There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a million galaxies. The most feared being in all of the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world." I laughed a bit, thinking that it quite sounded like The Doctor, but I dint say anything.

"How did it end up here?" I asked studying the Pandorica closely.

"You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it." He smiled and ran around the giant cube frantically.

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