Chapter 5- Fish Sticks & Custard

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"Doctor?" I brushed his new hair out of his face.

"E-Eternity?" his eyes fluttered open, and met mine. "Hey" I said smiling and putting a hand on his cheek.

"Am I a ginger?" he asked feeling his hair. "Sadly no." I said helping him up.

"We should get you to the wardrobe so we can get out while the TARDIS repairs herself." I said while staring into his new minty green eyes. It took us about 20 minutes to get dressed, and we once again, twinned on accident. We both wore brown blazers, and red bowties. I wore black tights, black shorts, a white dress shirt,red pumps, and red suspenders that matched the bowtie and shoes. Only thing he wore different was just a simple pair of black jeans.

"Ready?" I said looping my arm with his. We walked out of the TARDIS, and realized she took us to Cardiff.

"Want to go get something to eat?" I said turning to him and smiling.

"That sounds fantastic!" I looked places to eat on my phone, and eventually found a nice place to eat. We walked for a-bit before we found it. Turns out we needed reservations, but being The Doctor, he whipped out his psychic paper and we got the best seat in the house. The Doctor pulled my chair out for me, and then went and sat in his own seat

. "You're being such a gentleman in this new regeneration Doctor." I said smiling wide at him.

"Oi! I'm always a gentleman. So how do you think my new look is?" he said while doing all these funny poses.

"You look amazing, but we're in public." I giggled as he rubbed his leg on mine under the table. I gasped.

"Oh Doctor. Much more flirty too." The waiter came so we hushed up.

"I would like to get the fish sticks, with a side of custard please." I gave The Doctor a look and then also ordered a salad. I ordered the homemade mac and cheese.

"Why the bloody hell did you order fish sticks and custard?" I said laughing.

"Thats my after regeneration craving right now." He messed with the plate settings, obviously not used to being in a regular restaurant.

"Doctor?" He turned to me as I realized he has the same eyes as my mother.

"Whats up?" he said, and stopped messing with the plate settings and giving me his full attention.

"Did you like me better when I was human, like before I opened up my locket?" he looked at me with confusion in his face, then he got up and pulled his chair right next to mine.

"Eternity.. Or should I say Chancer. No matter what you look like isn't going to change how I feel about you. Its was actually more scary for me when you were human, because I was always worried something would happen to you or you would get hurt and I couldn't help you." I watched as his bright green eyes filled with emotion. I didn't realize how close we were to each other, until he pressed his to mine. I closed my eyes as I melt under his touch.

It was besoming passionate, then we both realized we were public. We both pulled away, and I watched as his cheeks turned a bright red. He took my hand and held it under the table, as the waiter came and served us our food. We sat and ate for about 15 minutes, sharing small glances, and then looking away before the other saw.

"Mmm. That hit the spot. Would you like to try some?" The Doctor held the fish stick in his hand as it was dripping custard onto his plate.

"Eh. Why not!" I said looking at him and then taking a bite of the fish stick covered in custard. He smiled at me when my eyes lit up.

"Wow. That was actually really good." I said as I dipped the fish stick back into the custard.

"Oi! Get your own!" He said playfully as he kissed the tip of my nose.

~Doctors POV~

I Couldn't have imagined our somewhat first date to have gone any better. We walked back to the TARDIS hand in hand, going to look at a couple of things in shops on the way there. We finally made it to the TARDIS, and Eternity and I exchanged excited looks.

"You may have the honors." I handing the TARDIS key to her. The door opened and we were in amazement. Eternity and I looked at each other and smiled ear to ear. I ran over to her picking her up and spinning her around.

"Oh I love you" she said as she kissed me, and snaked her arms around my neck.

"Where do you want to go?" I whispered into the kiss.

"Read my mind." She as she pulled away and smiled. I gently put two fingers on her temple, and saw where she wanted to go. I opened my eyes and looked into her piercing blues.

"Medusa Cascade it is!" I said as I ran over to the console.

~Eternity's POV~

I followed The Doctor and ran over to the console. We both flipped switches and pulled levers, as we bumped into each other about 5 times. We just kept smiling, and then we finally made it to the Medusa Cascade. I quickly ran over to the doors, and opening them to see a variety of colors.

I looked at in aw, as I sat down on the edge of he TARDIS letting my feet dangle. I soon felt a hand that rested on my back, and The Doctor came and sat next to me. I looked at him and smiled. I gestured for him to lay his head on my lap, and he did so.

"I love you" I said smiling at him.

" I love you to." I lent down and kissed him, and he put a hand on my cheek. We sat there for awhile, and I pet his hair slowly and softly. Soon enough, he feel asleep on my lap.

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