Chapter 28- The Doctors Wife

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"Oh, its the warning lights. Im getting rid of those. They never stop." I laughed as he rambled about the stupid warning lights, and he turned to me. There was something that sounded like a knock. The Doctor and I both gave each other a weird look. I slowly walked over to the door.

"We're supposed to be in deep space, right?" I asked turning back to him as he made his way to me. I watched as he opened the doors, and a small, white cube flew in.

"Oh my god. You got mail." I said turning to him with wide eyes. I caught it in the my hands, and realized the symbol that was on one side.

"The Ourobouros." I whispered loud enough for The Doctor to hear me.

"Wait, what?" He rushed over to me, taking the cube from my hands and looking at it. Suddenly, The Doctor and I fell sloppily to the ground, and the cube rolled away. I could hear the TARDIS fighting where ever we were being pulled to.

"Doctor! Whats happening!" I yelled as I held tightly onto the railing as we swayed back and forth.

"We're leaving the universe." I furrowed my eye brows, and looked at him confused. The lights in the TARDIS went out, and I stood up, noticing that all the ruckus stopped.

"The power, its draining. Everythings draining-"

"But it cant, thats, thats impossible." I smiled winking at him, then running to the doors. I opened them to see that we were in a plain junk yard.

"Where the hell are we? This cant be the end of the universe." I said to The Doctor as he walked out the doors, and locked them. I squinted my eyes, concentrating on the person running towards us.

"Doctor?" I tapped his shoulder, and he looked up from a piece of what looked like TARDIS, that he was examining. The woman mad eher way up to us, almost running over The Doctor.

"Thief! Thief! Youre my thief!" she said as she looked us over with insanely wide eyes.

"Shes dangerous. Guard yourselves." Another woman came out from behind her, and limped terribly.

"Look at you. Goodbye. No, not goodbye, whats the other one?" Suddenly, the mysterious woman kissed The Doctor, and he pulled away, but it didnt help for she was very persistent.

"Oi! Get off him!" I pushed her down, then looked over The Doctor.

"Why am I a thief? What have I stolen?" The Doctor had a quite funny expression on his face.

"Me. Youre going to steal me. No, you have stolen me. You are stealing me. Oh tenses are difficult, arent they?" She cocked her head as her mind raced quickly, almost to fast for her own good.

"Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my dove. Shes off her head. They call me Auntie." She held out her hand, but it wasnt human, but it was Sontaran. I cringed a bit, then realized that I had been rude.

"And Im Uncle. Im everybodys uncle. Just keep back from this one. She bites." And right after he said that, the woman ran over to me, and bit my shoulder.

"Ow! Ow!" she smiled at my reaction.

"Bitings excellent. Its like kissing, only theres a winner." I rolled my eyes, and held The Doctors hand.

"So sorry. Shes doolally." The weird woman rambled on. A couple of times before they invited us into what looked like some type of house thing, I had to stop her from kissing The Doctor. She got The Doctors and I's attention back, by making a remark on the little boxes. We quickly turned to face her, and our eyes both widened, unintentionally.

The woman, who's name was now revealed to Idris, suddenly collapsed. The Doctor and I ran to her side, scanning her with our sonics.

"Nephew, take her somewhere she cant bite people." Auntie said as an Ood appeared.

"Who else is here?" I asked walking up next to Auntie.

"just what you see, the four of us, and the house. Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere she cant hurt nobody?" I gave her a confused look, and then noticed The Doctor walk up next to me.

"The House? Whats the House?" He said rubbing his hands together, trying to contain his excitement.

"House is all around you, my sweets. You are standing on him. This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him?" A smiled crept upon my face, as this accidental trip was turning into a joy ride.

"We'd love to" I replied quickly before The Doctor could say otherwise.

"This way. Come, please come." She motioned for us to continue to follow her.

"Whats wrong? What are those noises?" I looked around, them my gaze met The Doctors again.

"Timelords. Its not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by, there are lots and lots of Timelords." My eyes widened as I gasped, and The Doctor took my hand, while I could hear the song of his sadness.

"Come, come, come. You can see the house and he can look at you." They were leading us to what looked like a soul drain of some sort.

"I see, this asteroid is sentient." I watched as he studied everything, trying not to miss a single thing, which might lead to answers.

"We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food." I scoffed at her being so naive.

"Smell its armpits." I walked over to where The Doctor was, and I could see he was in deep thought. I decided not to bother him.

"No, come here." He crooked his finger, and I walked slowly back to him.

"Youre not a bother to me, not now, not ever." I smiled at his choice of words, and crouched down next to him. He was examining an odd strip of metal on the wall.

"And do my will, you are most welcome travelers." I snapped around quickly, and saw the House talking through Auntie and Uncle as though they were marionettes.

"Yeah, so youre like a sea urchin. Hard outer surface, thats the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, thats you." I rolled my eyes as The Doctor said that in an arrogant tone. I felt someone creep up behind me, and I quickly turned around. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, and the sound of The Doctor screaming my name, then everything went black.

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