Chapter 30- The Lost One

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I quickly scooted away from The Doctor, and I saw hurt rush through his eyes.

"Eternity.. What did I do?" He moved towards me, and I flinched.

"I-I saw something. Like a message. It was you and I, and we were in a room. I was laying down, and you were next to me. I was dying, and I feel like you did it for some reason..." I looked at him, and confusion ran over his face.

"Why would I ever do that? You k-know I would never do any such thing Eternity." A tear fell from his eye, and I regretted dissing him the way I did. I shook my head, and fell into his arms, crying. He held me tight, as I realized what would come soon. An ear piercing scream came from outside, and I jumped up. The Doctor and I gave each other a look, then ran outside quickly. As we opened the door, we saw thousands of Cybermen who were trying to kill everyone.

The Doctor and I took each others hand, and ran down to the basement, and to the TARDIS.

"We need to get to Torchwood tower." The Doctor said as he threw his tweed jacket on the seat, and ran around the console frantically. The TARDIS shook back and forth, and we fell down laughing a bit. We ran towards the door, and people were already surrounding the TARDIS.

"Um. Hello." I said looking around, then meeting The Doctors gaze.

"You must be The Doctor.. and um.. his companion." The dirty blond said, and I scoffed.

"Um, excuse me. I am not his companion. Im his wife, and my name is Eternity." She was taken back by my words, and I heard The Doctor laughing quietly at my feisty-ness.

"That was extraordinary." Everyone watching us started clapping, and I looked at The Doctor confused.

"Alright everyone, lets talk about these Cybermen. They are killing people out there." We walked to what looked like the womans office, and we could see through the giant window that the Cybermen were roaming the streets.

"What has been going on that we have missed the past couple of months?" I walked around the office, and watched as two people were doing something on the computers.

"Ghosts have been "appearing" I guess you could say. They just showed up one day." My eyes widened, and I whipped around facing them again.

"The Cybermen. They have been disguising themselves as the ghosts!" I ran around the room, checking the computers.

"Follow me. We have found something we'd like to show you two." We followed her quickly into a room, in which there were two people in lab coats, with a giant sphere in the middle. I took The Doctors hand in mine, as I felt the sphere compelling, yet familiar. I squinted my eyes, trying to concentrate on what it is. I looked over at The Doctor, and he seemed to be doing the same. We walked towards it, then up the ramp.

"This is a void ship." I said studying it closely.

"What does it mean?" The woman asked, suddenly getting on my nerves.

"We dont know that yet." I walked back down the ramp, and towards the door. I was about to exit the room, but a Dalek came rushing.

"You will be needed!" it grabbed me in a way.

"ETERNITY!" The Doctor yelled trying to chase after me, but another Dalek stopped him.

"Doctor! Doctor!" I tried to wiggle out of its grip as the shield thingy pulled me along with the Dalek down the hallway. They threw me into a room with something I recognized. The Genesis Ark.

"You know of the Genesis Ark. You are Timelord!" The Dalek shook as it spoke to me.
"Yes. What are you doing with it?" I asked standing up, sending a telepathic message to The Doctor.

The Lost One |Doctor Who Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now