Chapter 15- Nightmare In Silver Part 2

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I ran to her, sitting by her side, until she changed again. "Ive got a deal" Cyber her said and she jolted back again.

"Whats your bloody deal?" she asked with sadness and rage in her voice.

"Who ever wins a chess match, wins it all. The body, and the brain. The ultimate prize." I watched her argue with herself, which I'm not gonna lie, is pretty interesting to watch.

"Ripley. Is there anyway to transfer the Cyber planner to me?" I asked hating to see her like this.

"Yes, but its excruciating, and will surly kill the unborn child, if not already dead." He said raising an eyebrow and smiling.

"Okay. How do we do it?" "Here let me take care of it" He walked over to Eternity and placed his hand on her cheek, and slowly, the the Cyber planner came out of her. But it didn't go without a fight. I cringed and held back tears as I watched her scream in pain again. Once it was done, she lay up against the wall catching her breath. I readied myself as Ripley walked over. He flicked them at me, the same way he did to Eternity. I fell back onto the table, trying to bare the excruciating pain. I finally sat up after, feeling so much different than before.

"Now Cyber planner, same deal with me. Who ever wins the chess game, wins it all."

~10 minutes later~

I tried not to cry, because surly, our baby girl was dead by now. I walked next to The Doctor as we hiked our way to some type of castle I heard the platoon talking about earlier. I had to listen to The Doctor ramble on with himself about winning and losing the chess game. About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the castle. We hurried our way inside, and I brought The Doctor to a chess table, and prepared him.

"Doctor. I have to go help them fight okay? I love you. Make sure you win too." I kissed The doctor on the cheek, and ran off to help them fight.

"So what do we have to fight with?" I asked walking up to everybody.

"We don't have that much left ma'am. Used most of it while you were away." one of the men said, looking through the weapons.

"How many Cybermen are coming for us?" I asked the brains of the group.

"Um. About 2 million." He said nervously.

"Oh, great. One gun and 4 hand pulses." I walked away and I went to go check on The Doctor, then realized something.

"Platoon! If you encounter a Cyberman, you call me for. I have taken down millions of these. I know what to do." I actually left this time.

"Doctor. How are you holding up?" I said walking towards him.

"Wow. He's got some cowboys in here" I shook my head and sat down in a seat across him.

"So what was the deal exactly?" I asked as he concentrated. "Deal was that if he wins, he'll get access to all of my memories, and knowledge of time travel. If I win, he'll break his promise to get out of my head, and kill us all anyway." He smiled, then realized he just said.

"Which one of you just said that?"

"Me. Cyber planner. Now, I have a chess game to win so all of you can die oh so very far away from home." I stood up and left the room as a tear fell down my cheek. I know my Doctor didn't mean that. Its just I never expected for him to actually say it.

"May I ask, whats this cord here for?" I walked up to the soldiers who were talking amongst themselves.

"Its gives the castle power for lights and what not." I examined the cord, and thought for a moment.

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