Chapter 19 - Resolve

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Hours after she headed home, Ranran could imagine her online friend 'O' staring at the monitor in horror at around 10 pm, while she was in her bedroom waiting for his response. "You're telling me that you gaslighted the 6 other kids onto a deranged woman with a gun?! Have you all lost your damn mind?!"

"To be fair, we were too furious on how entitled she was behaving around her son that she abused," Ranran rubbed the back of her head sheepishly typing her thoughts out, "I ended up having to grab a gun and fire the shots."

"You did what?!"

Ranran swears she is certain 'O' is gasping for air. Ranran shrugged in response by typing, "She asked for it."

"You're joking, right?" 'O' typed flatly.

"Nope. I wasn't."


"Ranran!"Someone could be heard knocking on the door as the voice go, "Your mother and I are home. Though she needs you to come downstairs to talk about what you did in Shibuya."

"Oh man, seriously....?"Ranran groaned at her dad's voice, pinching her nose bridge as she knows this is going to be a long day, "I will be over."Ranran said to him before hearing his head downstairs.

"Shibuya...oh yeah, I saw you being chased with some boy down with the gun on tv. I bet your mom is about to murder you and dismember your body parts."

"No, she would do worst than that, which is nagging. Also, has the Shibuya incident news gone viral worldwide already? Ah damn."Ranran cursed.

"You really dislike her, do you?"It was clear that his online friend's anger was directed largely at her mother, who she felt had never really loved her. 

"I am not close with her, unlike my dad. She was always nagging and pushy, always expected me to do the things she tells me to do without listening to a single word from me. Honestly, if I were to compare her with that lunatic mother, she is no different in the upcoming years ahead. Sometimes I don't know what my father sees in her."

Kudo Ranran, on the other hand, was always a rebel. She never heeded her mother's rules, and she constantly seem to get into trouble. She once set up explosive chemicals surrounding the kindergarten she watched on YouTube with her kindergarten friend 'K' to escape school and attend a magic performance the same day when she was four. Her mother discovered this and barred her from playing video games for a month.

"Don't be cruel, I am certain she has her reasons."He responded.

"Reasons?"Ranran scoffed reading it before typing," She is such a weakling. I mean I found out people tried to murder her and me when others found out she was pregnant."

Ah yes, 'O' is aware. He had almost forgotten about it.

"She and her father should not have bothered returning to a horrible place, especially one where people are vicious enough to seek my mother and me dead years ago. And yet, here they are, along with me, ready to imperil my life once more." Ranran's message took on a dramatic tone as she felt a flood of deep, searing rage fill up within her as she thought of her mother.

Everyone around Ranran was constantly told that she was blessed to have a mother like hers, but they were mistaken. All the other mothers spoil their children rotten; she used to hear stories about how other children are not sent on timeout when they misbehave and are never compelled to clean their rooms. Ranran has always considered herself to have the worst mother in the world. She never allowed Ranran to get away with anything, and she was always quite critical.

Sensing she is going to do a long rant about her mother again, he quickly switches to another topic while he messaged her, "And so, did they find that Saji dead or alive?"

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