Chapter 1 - The Extra who died

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There are all sorts of movies 10-year-old Majima Michio enjoys watching.

As long as he had known growing up, he always watch American movies at home while his mother heads out to work. The action-packed shooting, jumping from one building to the other, as well as the cool action lines from the heroes, are always the best. It constantly entertains him, heroes trying to save the world. If he isn't watching action movies, he focuses on sci-fi or even crime-related movies. No matter which movie one picks, he always goes with the flow.

However, the movie he is watching today is something he refuses to watch. But he had no other choice, after what he has done.

The projector whirrs and the film starts to roll, transporting the audience to another world.

It was a typical Friday in the cinema, the class was unexpectedly released early and after everything had happened since the events of 'Extinction Heist', Junko decided to clear her head away from the dangers by dragging a reluctant Majima Michio to watch a movie that is not up to his taste. Everyone is absorbed in the silver screen as Michio noticed adult couples were cuddled up in the dark, eagerly watching the latest movie, lost in each other's company. Hell, even children couples are enraptured by the images before them.

"It's so sad," Junko whispered. She leaned closer. "I'd hate to leave someone I loved."

Michio flashed a nervous smile and slid further down in his seat. Why were girls like Junko had to be silly when it comes to romance?

Majima Michio was so not enjoying the movie.

He thought it was boring. Beside him, Fuyuko Junko clutched a tissue in one hand and the popcorn in the other. A tear rolled down her cheek as the woman on the screen told her boyfriend that she had to leave him forever due to family disapproval over their social background.

The title of the movie is called 'Origin Of My Childhood', where the male lead and female lead knew each other since they were in diapers, only for the girl's family to move away after some incident with the boy's family. The girl belongs to a poor family while the boy is from a wealth-to-do family. When the girl grows into a woman and went back to her hometown, she reunites with the boy, now a young man and the two fall in love.

However, it was forbidden love due to social background and dark family secrets.

And of course, Fuyuko Junko is a sucker for these kinds of storylines, Junko is after all a hopeless romantic despite being a 10-year-old girl. For her, this movie was the perfect escape from reality after the dangerous crap they had to deal with thanks to that Kudo Ranran girl having stolen money from the damn Crows, endangering her life along the way.

How is a little psychopath like that 6-year-old girl still able to find work as a detective? Junko wonders as she shakes her head, no matter, now is normal time with her crush. Nothing can go possibly wrong with Ranran not around. Ranran is that unfortunate apprentice's problem to take care of, that boy whose face resembles Ranran's, Kudo Shinichi.

For Junko, she loved to lose herself in the stories on the big screen. Especially romantic movies. They always seemed to make her feel so alive. Not to mention, the reality of her unfortunate life of having to live with her maternal grandmother and mother.

Majima Michio on the other hand hated soppy movies. If anything, crying females, be it girls or grown-up women, were considered to be awful and useless in his opinion.

He didn't mean to insult women who cry, after all, it is human to cry, even for boys or men alike. Even so, crying over such matters as love.... is dumb. Why cry when one hurts the other? You brush it off and move on. That is how he dealt with life growing up in kindergarten with a father who had been deceased throughout the whole 10 years of his life.

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