Chapter 4 - Setback

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"So what you're telling me is," Emiko started, her voice full of disbelief as she pedals on her bike, "Ranran manages to use the dark web and hack into that reporter's home and emotionally torture him?"

"Yes."Shinichi confirmed, holding onto his seat from the back of the bike

"Kudo, I think you need to take leave," Emiko stressed. "How is it a 6 year old like Ranran know how to hack, let alone, navigate the dark web? I am nine years old, and I still can't hack."

Shinichi gave the rebellious artist a dirty glare. "She wouldn't have known if it hadn't been for her father's profession! That girl...she not only know how to drive an SUV, she learned how to do these...why didn't my parents teach me any of this...I am so far behind," he said angrily. The final bit was more of a mutter, but Emiko heard it anyhow.

And Emiko could tell. The younger boy's eyes were rimmed with dark circles and looked nearly bloodshot. He looked pale too.

"What the hell..." Emiko breathed, "Ranran knew how to hack into the dark web is"

"Honestly, I knew she was furious with the press, but I didn't think she was that vindictive enough to go that far!"Shinichi was shaking his head and mumbling to himself.

"Man, you had it rough, but you did well."

"That is the job of an apprentice," Shinichi responded sheepishly, but deep down, Emiko knew he is begrudging to be doing things beyond his apprenticeship. Judging his eyebags, he is exhausted from having to deal with Ranran's antics.

"Did you try to call the adults in your family for intervention at least? At least...take her to see a doctor?! I heard that she had a serious head injury when she was delivered, right?" Emiko asked.

Shinichi opened his mouth, looking distinctly irritated, only to be cut off.

"No, really, I'm serious!" Emiko insisted, openly concerned."I mean she knows how to use a freaking dark web and hacked into some reporter's place to blackmail them! This is big deal!"

Shinichi shot her a venomous look before his expression morphed into something resigned and admitting, "Yes, actually."

"Yeah?" Emiko pressed. "And?"

Shinichi rolled his eyes, looking at him like he was daft. "They say nothing is wrong."

"...send her to do an MRI!" Emiko offered hesitantly. "At least—"

Shinichi cut the other off. "Since she was 5 years old, our family has had her head checked in and out of over 50 hospitals in 6 months. The results are inconsistent! Some responded yes, while others said no!" As he talked, one of his hands waved erratically. "Believe me, they been there, done that. They gave up by the time they moved here!" His statements were presumably intended to come off as casual, but they ended up sounding unmistakably defeated.

Emiko found herself mouthing the number of trips Ranran was taken to the hospital, with a strange combination of terror and incredulity. Shinichi sounded worn down, which made her feel sorry for him. For a brief while, the artist and Shinichi rode on the same bike in silence as the artist attempted to process Shinichi's remarks. The other didn't appear to bother, closing his eyes for what had to be a brief reprieve.

"That's messed up. Not even a sign..." Emiko managed to say after a while. Shinichi gave a derisive snort in response as if to say, you're telling me?

"It's just my life now." He said without a hint of humour. "You get used to it."

"Do you not realize any of this is normal?"

"Life with Ranran is never going to be normal, I long resigned to the fact before deciding to become Ranran's apprentice. I will get used to it," Shinichi retorted, eyeing her as Emiko was struggling to digest all of this.

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