Epilogue - Ambiguous Lies

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As Ranran got it right, the red carpet event was a big event that Muniko spared no expense.

Rather than avoid the elephant in the room, he didn't avoid answering questions from the press when they ask how he is dealing with his family drama with Tantei Association's second major case, one the members later named 'The Illegitimate Extra'.

"Though I am leaving the majority up to the court's decision as I am legally not allowed to share a word about the case, I hope after this incident we can finally move on as brothers for once, "Muniko said with a grim yet professional expression in front of the flashing cameras and interviewers alike as he announced, "Our mothers had taken things too far with the manipulation and all, it's time we close down that chapter and live as a family."

Even the children were not spared from the press interview, let alone, the unfortunate driver who was kidnapped the other day. It was fortunate he survived when the police discovered him at some alley disoriented. Unlike what Ran assumed, they were asking questions that she deemed professional for adults.

Casting a glance at Ranran and Shinichi still in their cape coat designed by Emiko, they seem to be handling the press at ease."Our business is called Tantei Association, nice to meet you all."Shinichi greeted the camera as Ranran was entertaining the press.

"As you heard my apprentice, we look forward to dealing with cases like that in the future," Ranran poses herself with elegances.

Still, not all of it was strictly professional.

Takuma, Michio and Emiko were having a blast while being interviewed.

"I designed the clothes because the apprentice requested it," Emiko answered proudly, yet her tone was rather humble.

"I am in charge like a location navigator."Takuma had his thumb pointed to himself with a proud grin.

"Ah haha, I just make sure they don't take things too far."Michio is a little unused to the glaring spotlight and all of that.

There was so much excitement and energy in the air, and it was clear that these kids were looking forward to the movie.

Well, not everyone is, to say the least.

Fuyuko Junko had a hard time. Though she is a confident spelling B of Teitan Elementary School when it comes to spelling in front of many kids and adults alike, having cameras and microphones onto you while having thrown one question after another is difficult even for a 10-year-old girl like her.

This is why Ran is currently accompanying Junko given her stuttering, which Junko appreciated a lot, given that Ran is younger than her by 4 years. If Junko wasn't seen wearing the damn Frozen dress her mom bought for her, she swore life hated her. But it wasn't all bad news, as Michio lent her his spare coat. Still, it didn't cover all of the dress as the press constantly probed why is she in a Frozen Elsa dress, what role she has in the association, and why did she join Tantei Association.

Initially, Junko wanted to answer it was because of Michio, but then Shinichi did mention if they were to answer in such a way that the press spotted a flaw in it, they may twist and distort their answer in such a way, their reputation for the association may be hard to recover. He did warn the two girls if they misbehave in front of the press, he won't go easy on the two.

And he won't go easy if that happens, mainly Ran and Junko who ain't good with their words. Ranran is charismatic, Takuma is charming in his way, and even Emiko's perceptiveness is the reason why Shinichi didn't have to worry about the way they interact with the press unlike the other two. Michio may not be good at what he says, but since he joined the association with honest intentions, the apprentice didn't have to worry, knowing Michio's honesty will bring tears to other parents watching this.

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