Chapter 20 - New day, new Look

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Finally, gone were the days of uniform in Teitan Elementary today, and in came the new as everyone in school would show off their new clothes.

As always, there was a lot of excitement in the air. Some kids were already showing off in the school courtyard, while others were just waiting for class to start so that they could show off their new outfits to everyone.

Hikari Takuma walked down the school hallway, dressed in his new grey jean style hoodie jacket over his blue shirt with a bright red cap and torn jeans and black sneakers, busy admiring the latest trends on the other kids' young and old. Like a fashion runway, every student seemed to have a unique style. It was like they were all preparing for their big day, and he couldn't help but feel like he was part of the fashion show.

Entering his classroom in 1-A, he pushes open the sliding door to see an array of students showing off their clothes. Some in dresses, some in a t-shirt and pants as they excitedly show off. It was clear the era of uniforms is over for good.

"Takuma!"That soft familiar voice called out to him.

Grinning widely, he quickly turned to see his girlfriend Reina in a frilly dress as she approach her boyfriend with nice yellow ballad shoes.

Ah...that is cute. But Takuma is never going to admit that to her as he put his Rondesu bag on his desk.

"I knew when you said you were going to show up with one of your caps from your collection, I didn't think you did. Though I was surprised it isn't a branded cap."Reina was amused."What happened to your plans on showing off one of your caps?"

"Well, Okaasan(mom) banned me as she feared it may get stolen while I am not wearing it one day. The capt is expensive after all. And she did have a point."Takuma sighs deeply, "The cap vanishing would break my heart."

"You know you have a detective as a friend, right? If anything happens to your cap, she will find it in a heartbeat. Did you not let your mother be aware of this fact?"Reina pointed out.

"I know Ranran would help me relocate it. But then..."Takuma scratched nervously behind his head," The kids getting tortured would suffer the worst outcome from her is one thing, but Shinichi would be mad at me for contacting her instead of him."

"You think so?"Reina had her finger on her chin as she thinks thoughtfully, "But Shinichi won't teach them a lesson as he is too lenient, unlike Ranran."

"Well, had you worked in Tantei Association, you would see the other side of Shinichi."Takuma sighs once more.

"Hi hi! In comes the great queen of Drama Suzuki Sonoko!"Sonoko makes a dramatic entrance into 1-A. There was no mistaking the dramatic style dress that the girl was wearing. It was a beige colour dress with a three-quarter sleeve with a tiny triangle hole exposing the centre of her upper neck chest, making other kids stare at her in awe while she enters with flowery slippers.

By staring at her, it reminded others that she is a girl of upper society.

"Not bad, I would've expected you to wear something flashier based on your personality."Reina couldn't help but praise.

"I did want to at first, who knew my parents banned me and I was stuck with this option."Sonoko groaned in disappointment."But when I saw the dress in the shop window, I knew it was meant for me."Her disappointment turn to her smile," The dramatic style dress was perfect for my personality."

"Eh..."Reina and Takuma reacted in unison blankly.

"By the way, where is Ran?"Sonoko said in excitement, "I can't wait to see Ran in her everyday clothes."

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