The End

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     Megan sat in the rocking chair, cradling her child Alexis, who had woken up and started to cry again. She ran a hand through her dark red hair, her blue eyes scanning the playroom with slight ease.  She was glad she went right back to sleep, she herself longed for some sleep. She sighed softly, shifting her child into her other arm and looked out the window. She looked around outside, to her  friend's house and to the houses where the wonderful elderly people lived. She smiled to herself, the elderly people were such sweethearts , they always loved taking care of the kid's when she had to go to the studio to turn in her hard drive. She had to admit, it was kind of hard taking care of twins when she had to work so far away. She was just glad her boss was reasonable and let her work at home most of the time. She looked down to Alexis, she was younger then her brother, just by a few minutes. She was glad she was blessed with her father's hair, black hair was such a bore. She looked outside, she could see the faintest rays of sunlight were creeping up. She couldn't just send Alexis back to bed, she would start to cry again, she was still amazed she had ripped her teddy bear so easily. She leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and listening to her child's faint breathing. There was the creak of the rocking chair and the sound of footsteps being silenced by carpet. She opened her eyes and was greeted with Rikki, his eyes soft and kind like they always were.

                "Honey, you should get some sleep, I'll take her from you." she smiled softly, handing her to Rikki. The shift must've woken her up, since she started to coo and giggle. 

                "dada...!" she squealed in delight, pulling at his hair and teething on her own fingers. He smiled and held her close. "Hi princess~!" he cooed, fixing the little bedhead she had. Megan got up, stretching and rubbing her sore lower back, she needed some sleep. She kissed Rikki's cheek and whispered a goodnight, turning off the hall light and walked back to her room. The two cribs were next to each other, and someone was peeking over the crib, holding onto the sides to stand properly. The baby squeaked and squealed happily. 

                "mama mama!!" he squeaked, holding one of his hands out, trying to grasp her. She smiled softly, walking over to him and picking him up out of the crib. "oh hello my handsome little boy!" she cooed, kissing his cheek. He giggled and squealed, she cradled him softly before placing him back down in the crib. "you have to go to sleep silly~ mama's going to sleep~" he pouted angrily, if he knew how to cross his arms he would. "not seepy." 

                "Not sleepy? Well mama's sleepy, and dada's sleepy, so you should be too." he yawned, sitting down on the crib and shaking his head. "not seepy..!" he said again, and she smiled. 

                "Well alright, you're not sleepy~" She sat on the edge of the bed, next to the dog, and began to hum a lullaby. It was the one she learned from her mother, it always put them to sleep quicker then anything else. She heard a yawn, and then someone settling, and he fell asleep. She smiled softly, getting up and tucking him under his favorite blue blanket. She went to her bed and slipped under the covers and closed her eyes. She never quite understood why her mother got so upset when they would grow an inch or fill out a form by themselves, but now she knew. She'd have to go through all of that with her kids, watch them grow up and leave and come back so often. She didn't want to think about that. But she had to. She was one of their leaders, showing them the paths they should take and after they knew how to walk themselves, she'd have to silently wait for them to ask for help. But she never understood the one phrase "when you have kids, that's the end of your life." when in reality. It's only the beginning. 

                                Hey! So, I hope you enjoyed this story, but I can't keep it going forever!! So this'll be the end of Megan's story. But don't worry, there's going to be plenty of Megan and Rikki in the near future.

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