Fashion is my Kryptonite

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        After trying on dress after dress after dress, Megan walked out of the store with a whole new, unneeded wardrobe. She knew it would be torture to throw out all of her small clothes, since she had grown so dear to them. They all sat at the cafeteria tables, all of them placing their stuff on the ground. "See? Now you can be fabulous like us." Annie exclaimed, throwing both of her hands up in the air, Alanna doing the same. Megan still didn't understand what Alanna was. Everyone in school had a place, Megan with the "emo" crowd, Annie with the "popular" crowd. But Alanna seemed. Different than everyone else. She shrugged it off, knowing she would learn it sooner or later if she liked it or not. For some reason, people just opened up to her, she guessed she was just, soothing looking. She hadn't even noticed Annie had been talking to her. "So you know how all of the guys, or gals I have no idea how you swing, seem to already have someone?" Annie asked. Megan nodded, now intrigued by her story. "Well, I, uh, kinda saw what Seth had done to you, and I kinda know how it feels, so I kinda want to get revenge on him." Annie said, her sweet smile now curling into a smirk. Megan smirked as well.

        "Go on~" Megan purred, leaning on her laced fingers. "Well first, you need to drop your old friends, because they're total bitches." "Done." Megan said. "Second, we need to fix that hair, teal does not compliment your complexion." Megan took that as a slight offense but continued to listen. "third, we need something that would make him, well,  jealous." they all pondered for a bit. "Well being surrounded by guys would make any guy jealous." Alanna said. "Yeah but like. We don't have enough guy friends." Annie said and Alanna nodded in agreement. "One guy?" Alanna asked. "MMMMiight work. It just has to be the perfect non-taken guy." Alanna groaned and laid her head on the table. "Gotta make things hard." "She'll think of something." Annie whispered. At almost an instant, her head snapped from the table.

        "Rikki!" she said and Annie gasped slightly. "Yes!!" Megan tilted her head slightly. "Who's Rikki...?" she asked. "Oh he's a total sweetheart, Sophomore, kinda short, huuge green eyes, natural red head, tons and tons of freckles." Megan nodded slightly, having a slight idea of who he was. "But for now we need to give you a," Annie looked at Alanna, who looked like she was going to explode from holding in her joy. "MAKEOVER!!" they both said in unison, jumping up from their seats and grabbing Megan up from her seat and dragging her out of the mall to a nearby house. Guessing it was Annie's because of the way she burst open the door, exclaiming she was home. She placed Megan in a seat and rushed upstairs. Alanna took her beanie off and ran her fingers through Megan's hair. She heard footsteps come down the stairs, much quieter than Annie's and saw a girl with long brown hair and vibrant purple eyes. She had seen her running around in school before. She stared at Megan for a bit.

        "Is Annie torturing you?" her soft, sweet, calm voice asked. "Oh we haven't started yet Anne." Alanna said. She shrugged, passing her and going into the backyard. "I mean it's your own funeral." she mumbled before the door closed. Annie came back downstairs, pushing the chair to the sink and leaning Megan back. "This may hurt a bit, but beauty hurts so suck it up." she said, roughly brushing her hair and washing the dye out. She seemed almost stunned at her original hair color, but soon continued with washing and dying it. She then sat her back up, her hair still wet and still smelling of slight bleach and dye.

        "I'm probably doing something different but sucks." she said, Alanna and Annie switching places. "One thing I have to say to you, is stay. still." Megan was slightly afraid of what was happening to her, but she went along with it. After what felt like hours of pain, she heard gasps of slight astonishment. "We did well Alanna. We did well." Annie said with slight cockiness as she gave Megan the mirror. She looked at her self. She couldn't even recognize herself. She now had pastel purple hair, fake fluffy eyelashes, black eye-shadow, they went above and beyond for her. She laughed to herself. "I hope you guys know we don't have school for another day.."

           "Oh we know, and I know how to make eyelashes stay on for a while." Annie said, smirking to herself. Megan lifted an eyebrow. "Bet you five dollars it'll be gone by Monday." She said and Annie nodded. "Deal." Sure enough, when Megan got to school the next day they we're gone. What surprised Megan the most was when she got off the bus the girls were waiting for her. "Let's go slowpoke!!" Annie said taking Megan's arm. "We're going to introduce you to a couple of friends."

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