The Garden

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        He couldn't believe he was doing this, he couldn't believe that he was here with Megan, staring deep into her now unlocked sea green eyes, her eyes having almost a questioning tint to them. He tried to find the perfect words to explain what he wanted to tell her. Why did he suddenly get so tounge-tied, he's practiced what to say for almost every situation, but yet, as soon as she was watching, she was there, he felt as she was stealing the words from him. He finally cleared his throat, taking her hand softly.  

        "Megan... Even though I've only known you for about three months I know you're the most splendid girl in the world...! You're nice and funny and when you smile my heart races and it feels like it's doing back flips whenever I'm near you..." He sighed, finding a white daisy and picking it, twirling it in between his fingers carefully before tucking it behind her ear, tucking some of her bangs behind her ear to look deeply in her eyes.
       "What I'm trying to say is... I. I love you Megan." He smiled sheepishly, hoping that she would say the same. But she watched him with slightly frightened aqua eyes, as if she was still trying to figure everything out. She smiled slightly, blush slowly creeping onto her pale face.

        "I love you too Rikki..." She said with a small delicate voice, Rikki nearly jumping out of his skin in surprise that she liked him back. He smiled like a total idiot, his grip on her hand tightening.

       "R-really?!" She giggled, her whole face lighting up. "Of course you dork." She said and he chuckled, noticing that his grip was a little to tight. "I-I'm sorry it's just I would've never thought you liked me, out of all people.." she tilted her head in slight confusion, her squeezing his hand in slight comfort. 

        "And why's that...?" she asked, Rikki looking to their intertwined hands and sighing. "It's just.. You dated Seth.. and he's ten million times different than I am... I mean he's tall, and down to earth, and so much more than me, a boy who writes stories and fixes spot lights.. I'm nothing like your type..." She tilted his head up, her aqua eyes filled with something he couldn't quite put his finger on. She leaned forward and placed a kiss ever-so-gently onto his lips, sparks flying like the Fourth of July. "Rikki don't be silly! Seth wasn't my type! That's why we're not dating anymore Rikki," she sighed in slight disappointment, shaking her head. "honestly I can't believe such a doubt would pass through your brain.." he chuckled slightly, a smile spreading onto his face. He pulled her closer and she watched him with slight suspicion, as if she couldn't tell what he wanted to do. 

        "It wont happen again my sweet. Now," he inched his face closer, mere seconds away from hers, he could even feel her breath softly collide with his. "may I?" she nodded slowly, as if she was still unsure. He kissed her, feeling her soft lips against his and feeling as if the world around him melted away, leaving only him and her, floating in what felt like heaven. He had to say, out of all of the dances he's been to, this one had to be the best. 

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