The Winter Dance

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Megan sighed happily, placing her backpack back on her chair. Rex and Nick rolled their eyes, knowing today was the dance.

        "So I'm guessing your going with Seth?" Rex asked and she nodded. "Well call us if you need us to pick you up or anything~" Nick said and Rex elbowed him in the stomach. Nick bent over in pain.

       "I'm sure Seth's going to be a gentleman and drive her home! Anyways, we're going to the movies tonight, remember?" Rex asked and Nick had a completely blank face. It took him more than a minute to remember.

       "OOooohhhh... Yeah!" Rex rolled his eyes and sighed. "Anyways, dad'll be here instead, so if you need anything, call him." Megan nodded, knowing the routine. She went upstairs, closing her door softly. She sighed happily and went to her closet. She usually didn't wear dresses so she barely had any. She had a couple sundresses, the casual ones. She finally found her "formal" dress. It wasn't much, a strapless whit dress with a black bow on her right side. She glanced at the time. 5:30. She placed the dress on her doorknob to her closet and picked out the rest of the outfit. Black tights, Black round toe pumps, and a black cardigan to throw over for warmth. She sighed and laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She fiddled with the necklace he gave her. She smiled softly. Most people would think she's to young to know what love was. But she truly felt it, she just couldn't describe it. Warm, fuzzy, it made you feel like a different person. She basically was a different person ever since he showed up in her life. She glanced back at the time. 6:25. She sat up and grabbed a brush, brushing out her long, waist length red hair. She smiled, grabbing her outfit and going to her bathroom to change. She quickly changed, and fixed her hair. She carefully did her makeup, making sure it was perfect. She looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled and smiled. She looked like a princess. She fixed her hair again, it not wanting to stay. She got her purse, placing her phone and some money in it. She sighed and glanced at the time. 6:54. There was a knock at the door. She walked downstairs, opening it and smiling at Seth. He blushed lightly and kisses her hand.

        "You look beautiful right now." he said making her blush lightly. "You look very handsome~" she said and he smiled, holding his arm out. "May we?" she linked arms with him. "We may." they walked to his car, it not as cold as it was during the day. He opened the door for her, her giving him a slight nod to say thank you. They rode singing terribly and laughing at each other. They got there, seeing the others still filing in. They walked in together, and then they kinda departed fro. each other, seeing their friends. She talked with Claire and Sasha, her two best friends.

        "So... where's Klyde..?" Megan asked. The girls looked at each other, as if they had a secret to keep. Sasha then shakily pointed over to a corner, clearly seeing Klyde's hair and someone's suit. Someone that she knew far to well. Her world crumpled down into tiny tiny pieces, she almost collapsed to her knees. She stormed over to them, ripping their locked lips apart. Seth looked almost surprised that she found him.

     "Babe it's not what it looks like." "Not what is looks like?! You were just making out with my best friend!! you, you were using me weren't you?!" she asked, her voice clearly hurt. "Go on! Fucking spill!" he sighed and nodded. "But that doesn't mean I never loved you! I did I truly did!!" Megan could feel hot tears start to fall down her cheeks. She ripped the necklace off of her neck, breaking the chain as well.

        "We're through, if either of you two talk to me again it'll be your last time!!" she said turning and running off. "Babe wait!!" she could hear Seth call after her. She ran off into the cold, it being way colder than what it was earlier. She couldn't control her breathing, her tears were freezing on her face, she was going to be blown away by the wind. She saw his car, and out of anger, she searched for a rock. She found one, one just the right size and chucked it at his window, shattering it and setting off the alarm. She smirked in triumph and continued to walk home. Five minutes later it started to snow. She couldn't see where she was going, but she knew where she was going. She finally got to her doorstep, banging on it, since she forgot her keys. She could hear shuffling in the house an the door opened, revealing her dad. He gasped lightly, letting her in.

       "Nut-Meg what happened?" he asked, closing the door. She shook her head, clearly not wanting to talk about it. He nodding, taking her cardigan and rubbing his warm hands on her freezing arms. "Go and take a shower, I'll make you something warm alright?" she nodded, a slight sniffle as she walked up the steps, kicking her shoes off as she did. She took a shower, sitting on the floor, thinking about all the things she did with him. After she got dressed in her pajamas, she stared at herself in her mirror. She picked up a pair of scissors, snipping her hair. She grabbed her clippers, flicking it on and shaving one side off completely, seeing her red hair fall to the ground. She went through her cupboard, looking for her teal dye. She found it and read the instructions to herself. She dyed it and went back downstairs. Her dad was sitting at the table, a seat pulled out for her and a cup of hot cocoa. She sat and grabbed the mug, rubbing her index finger over the smooth texture. Her father looked at her for a bit.

       "I like that look on you, just have to clean it up a bit." he said, smiling softly. She nodded and sniffled.

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