Care to Dance?

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        Megan hummed too herself, taking her costumes and hanging it on the rack. She couldn't believe she pulled to Rikki that she was going to be wearing sweatpants to the dance. She grabbed her duffel bag, going into her changing room and closing the door tightly. She opened it as quietly as she could, taking out her red high heels and her red strapless dress, a double bow right in the middle, one layer being silk and the ouer layer being a floral lace. She had begun to put it on, not being used to the feeling of a dress quite yet. There was a sudden knock at the door, making Megan freeze in mid-zip of her dress.

        "Yeah..?" she called out. "Megan why are you taking so long? Do you need help?!" it was Annie. "Ummmm no I'm good..! I just can't find my pants..! Be out in a minute!" she said, quickly zipping her dress up and clumsily putting her heels on. 

        "O...kay... Well we'll be at the cafeteria, call us if you need us!" she said and the clicking of her heels soon dissipated. She sighed of relief, looking at herself in the mirror. She had washed her hair completely of the temporary dye, knowing she would never keep just one color, and now it was a shiny shade of raven black, her pinning her bangs back with a red bow. She sighed, feeling a little exposed rather than her normal outfits that covered most everything. But she shrugged, it's been a while since she's shown some skin, and she knew she would enjoy seeing her friends freak out at her wearing a dress. Now all she had to do was wait for a lull in the crowd going into the cafeteria, not wanting anyone to spoil the surprise.  So she waited, scrolling through her phone in utter boredom until there was a lull, and, knowing how rare they were, she walked, almost ran, out of her room and into the hallway of the cafeteria, where Annie and Alanna were waiting. They both gasped in utter surprise, both searching for words and Megan took this as a compliment. Alanna was the first to speak.

        "Jesus Christ you can pull of a dress!" she said and Megan looked at her with surprise, her never seeing Alanna burst out like that. "Thank you...?" she was both embarrassed and confused. "She's right man, you look gorgeous times a million!! Now, go to Rikki, he's been as patient as patient can be!" she said, giving Megan a little push forward. She glared back at them, both of them having a mini breakdown at the possible scenarios that could happen all at once, she rolled her eyes and began to walk into the cafeteria. She knew exactly what was going to happen. Rikki was going to be surprised, laugh at the joke, then they would talk until the dance ended. Easy as that.  She took a deep breath, going through the opened doors of the cafeteria and making her way towards Rikki. Rikki on the other hand was talking to one of his brothers, him only glancing in her direction, then taking a double take, his eyes growing wide and a huge smile plastering onto his face. She blushed slightly, this wasn't how she planned he would react. He made his way towards her, stopping in front of her abruptly, at almost a loss for a words. She giggled and he blushed slightly, finally gaining his words back. 

        "M-Megan you look! And the sweatpants! And.. wow..." he said, her surprisingly being able to figure out what he was trying to say. "I can't believe I tricked you into thinking I would wear sweats to a formal dance." she teased, but he didn't reply with rolling his eyes or sticking his tongue out. He smiled, holding his hand out as the next slow song played.  

        "Would you care to dance~?" he said, almost in a purr. She blushed slightly, nodding and talking his hand, him leading her onto the dance floor. They danced in blissful silence, them holding each other closer than what the regulations would allow, not a care in the world. But soon the songs went back to fast paced, couples letting go of each other to dance alone. He chuckled slightly, not letting go of her waist. "I have a surprise for you." he said, Megan tilting her head in slight confusion. 

        "Really..?" she asked and he nodded, taking his hands off of her waist and onto her hand, leading her out of the busy cafeteria to the school entrance, and even further, to the school garden. She raised an eyebrow to herself, why was the surprise in the school garden. But she had to admit, it was beautiful at night, the stars already out, fireflies searching for their mate in the shrubs, almost surreal. He stopped at a marble bench, gesturing for her to sit down. She did as she was told, fixing her dress before she sat, and he sat right next to her, looking deeply into her eyes. 

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