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Seth opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm. He slammed on the button and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked at his phone, and saw he had a message. He looked at it and smiled widely. Good night, love you :) He couldn't wait to see her again, and it was almost cuddling weather. She was just a. A princess. He sighed happily as he got up from his bed, stretching with a grunt and grabbing some clothes from his closet. He looked around in his green and smirked to himself, settling his eyes on the drawing of Megan he was doing in art. He thought he did a good job catching every detail on her. He went to the bathroom to change, putting his shoes and headphones on before coming back out. He glanced at the time and saw it was 6:25 he grabbed his backpack and ran out, making it to the bus stop just in time. He got in and smiled, seeing Megan had saved a spot for him. He sat down next to her, taking her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. He could see the blush creep up on her face and he smiled. She was just perfect. Her porcelain skin, her big, beautiful sea green eyes, her black hair that she dyed red, the way her hands fit perfectly with his, the way her nose wrinkled softly when she laughed, the way she squeaked when she laughed, her beautiful smile. He could go on and on about how she was as perfect as she could be. He kissed her cheek softly.

       "I love you~" he said, rubbing her nose softly on her just-kissed cheek. "I love you too~" she said, kissing his cheek, making him blush slightly. Today was Friday, he wanted to do something special with her, even though they barely started dating, he knew he would spend the rest of his life with her. The bus inched to a stop and he stood up, letting her out first. He felt the cool air nip at his ears. He smiled slightly and he could see her in the corner of his eye look at him.

      "So, what are you doing after school?" he asked. "uh. I wasn't planning on anything.." she said, basically asking for him to take her out. "well I was thinking we could go to the Lantern Festival, look around because I heard they have little booths there and stuff... I mean if you want to that is!" he said, noticing he was rambling on. "Of course I'd like to go with you." she said, smiling slightly. He sighed in relief and she giggled. "Did you think I'd say no?" she asked. "No no, it's still, really hard to talk to you, face to face." he said, looking deep into her eyes. She was about to say something but the bell rung. They both took their seats, and Mrs. Murphy shushed them so that she could "teach" them. He sighed, resting his head on his arm. He glanced over to Megan, seeing she had put her hair up, and saw her scribbling something quickly down. She slid it silently across the table and I looked at it. Why do I make you feel so awkward..? he quickly scribbled down on how she made his heart jump on how beautiful she was and slid it back to her. She read it, quickly turning red and grabbing his hand under the table, so nobody would see.

        "You dork..." she mumbled to him, a big, goofy smile spread across her face.  He smiled. "Your dork~" He corrected and smiled with her. The classes went by fast, and the bell rung loudly. They both stood, and both walked out. She talked about something that her brothers did, but he was so captivated by her voice he was barely paying attention. They did art, which was pottery. Then it was study hall. He pulled out his phone, wanting to take a picture with her.

      "Megan, say selfie!" he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, keeping her in place. It took her a second but she covered her face before the picture was taken. "Aw Megan! I just want a picture!!" he huffed and she his hee face in his shoulder. "I don't like pictures..." she mumbled. He sighed and pretend to be looking at his phone.

       "Well I guess this picture's alright, look." he said and she looked up, looking around to see the phone still in mid-air. He snapped the picture and she turned bright red. "Delete it!!" she said, hitting his shoulder playfully. He laughed lightly. "Fine fine." he said and showed himself deleting it to her. "but I am going to get a picture of us, if you like it of not." he stuck out his tongue and so did she. "If you can get me to take a picture that is." she said triumphantly. He sighed, pulling her in for a tight hug. He could tell she was kind of surprised. He smirked.

          "You know you'll warm up to the camera, sooner or later~" he purred. She giggled softly. " we'll see~" she purred back. The bell rung and they both walked to their next class, dance. They had the dance teacher by the name of Ms. Storm, but she'd rather you call her Storm. She smiled widely as everyone sat in front of her.

           "Good afternoon class~ today we're going to do something a bit.... different if you must. Everyone grab a partner, mine will be Mr. Smith~" she said gesturing to the man standing by her, a large smile on his face. Seth almost immediately took Megan's hand, like she would have a doubt dancing with him. She smiled lightly and stood up, him following. "now, be sure you know your partner well, because these dance moves may be a bit odd to a stranger." everyone looked around, a couple people switching. "now, the lead should place one hand on the partner's waist, and the other is holding their hand." Seth placed his hand carefully on her waist, blushing lightly as she helped him, she settled her other hand in his, and he smiled. "and the... other partner-" she said, gesturing to the two super awkward boys dancing together. "should have their arm on top of the lead's arm." she said, doing so with Mr. Smith. Megan placed her arm on top of his, lacing her fingers with his. He grinned from ear to ear, but then remembered, it was a dance, not a position. "now, you'll step-dance in a circle, we'll all try slowly and then up to music, only once though." she said and smiled, seeing everyone trying it. Seth started to dance, and Megan followed, both of them in a fit of laughter. They continued to the dance over and over again until everyone knew it like the back of their hand.

        "Now to the music!" Mrs. Storm said and almost everyone groaned. Just before she put the disk in the final bell rung and everyone sighed in relief. Seth let go of her and grabbed their stuff. Megan laughed softly, taking her bag from him. He took her hand and cleared his throat as they walked to their bus.

        "So, uh do you want me to pick you up or just meet there?" he asked. "I'll be there, just give me a time." she said with a faint smile. "uhh.. would 7 be okay?" he asked and she nodded. "7 would be fine." they got on the bus and sat in blissful silence. When the bus stopped at her stop she gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear. "see you at 7~" and left, leaving him alone in his bench.

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