Friends? I Don't Make Friends.

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Megan woke up the next day, sitting up and sighing, touching her new buzz-cut side of her head. She got up and walked to her bathroom, which was now clean thanks to her dad, and cleaned her new haircut up. She knew it would be like this for a while, so she'd have to get used to it. She got dressed, placing a black beanie on her head before she left the room. She was going to go the mall, something she didn't do on occasions. But she wanted to get more of her red dye, and maybe swing by the craft store. She smiled to herself. It sounded like a good plan. She got into her car and drove off to the mall, which surprisingly wasn't busy even if it was a Saturday. She got out and strolled into the mall, mostly looking at her phone so that she wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone. Suddenly she heard two large gasps from someone and she looked up, seeing two girls standing not to far away from her. The one with blonde hair ran up to her, the brown haired one soon following. The blonde haired one stared at her for a while longer, wrinkling her freckled nose and scanning her with her light blue eyes. Megan looked past her and looked over to the brown haired girl. She was standing awkwardly, clearly embarrassed by her friend, her brown eyes darting across the mall. The blonde haired girl finally spoke up.

                "Your. Hair. Is. AMAZING!! Did a professional do this?!" she asked grabbing a strand. Her voice was very preppy, very. Annoying. " I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself," she said, finally noticing how rude she was being. She stuck her hand out, as for Megan to shake. "I'm Annie, and my friend is Alanna." she nodded in the direction of the brown haired girl, her now having a name. Alanna gave her a short, almost unnoticeable wave. Megan shook her hand for less than a millisecond.

        "I'm Megan." she mumbled lowly, hoping she would leave her alone. Megan could tell Annie was one of those popular cheerleader type girls, that she never wanted to talk to. "Well hi Megan! Wanna stick around with us? We could be good friends!" apparently not. Megan pretended to ponder, already knowing her answer. "Mmmmm no." she said and started to walk away. Annie almost seemed in shock, and Megan smirked to herself. But soon enough, she heard the click of Annie's high heels behind her, the squeaking of flats supposedly Alanna's. "But why not?!" Annie pouted.

        "Because." Megan said. "That isn't a good answer!!" Annie said angrily. "Maybe we should just leave her alone Annie...." Alanna said, actually making Megan look back at her. She had a different voice then she imagined. Sweet, almost in a cooing type of way. "But ALLAANNNNAAA!!!" Annie groaned. Megan laughed lightly, both Alanna and Annie looking over to her. "You two fight like an old married couple." she said, trying to stifle her laughter. Alanna and Annie both looked at each other, both gagging. "Ew!! Her?! Ugh!!" They both said as if they had practiced talking at the same time. She sighed, rolling her neck slightly.

        "I guess we can be friends." she said and Annie almost jumped out of her skin with joy. "REALLY?!?!" she asked, grabbing both of her hands and jumping up and down like a school girl. "Regretting this decision.." Megan mumbled as Annie hugged her. "Don't worry! We'll be the best best friends you've ever had!!" she exclaimed and Megan smiled slightly. This would be a first. "Come on let's go shopping for you!!! I know just the right dress for you!!" Annie said and dragged Megan into the nearest fashion store.

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