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  Rikki, Megan, Anne, Annie, and Alanna were all walking to school one spring morning, chatting about what they wanted to do with their life, when they ran into him. It was Seth. He really let himself go. After Klyde had dumped him, he just didn't care for himself. He was on the other side of the street, andhe spotted Megan. He decided it would be a good idea to stand in the street to talk to her.  

        "Megan please!! Take me back! I'll change for you! Please!" "Talk about desperate." Annie mumbled under her breath, Alanna nodding in agreement. Megan rolled her eyes, not sparing a glance to the man she once loved. He looked like he hadn't showered, his once beautiful brown hair now dark with sweat and grime, his once bright hazel eyes now cloudy from loss of sleep. He was a mess. 

        "I've told you numerous times and I'll tell you again, I. Have. A. Boyfriend. Just go away!!" 

        "But Megan I lo-" SKKKRRRTTT THUMP Seth was cut off by a hit to the legs with a car, who seemed to busy to even stop and  check if he was okay. All of them winced and sucked their cheeks, making the sound of 'ssssss oohhhhhhh'. Megan shrugged it off, continuing her normal stroll. 

        "Oh well, can't be late for school." She hissed, walking away from the barely breathing man. Rikki looked to her with heart eyes. "What a woman~" he purred and he followed her, head over heels in love with the woman who thought of people dying as a mere pastime. Annie stood there, glancing to them and back to Seth. 

        "We're. We're just going to leave him? Well alright then.. Nice knowing you Seth.." she mumbled to herself, following them, glancing back from time to time as if the body would come back alive like in horror movies and chase after them. Alanna and Anne both followed as well, Anne not always being one for talking to people she didn't know and Alanna being too wound up in her phone to notice anything that happened. So there you have it. When the school year had ended (Rikki had moved up a grade since he was so intelligent) most of them didn't know what to do with their lives. But Megan had a plan. Study for her dream job and marry the man of her dreams. It seemed that they would both come true, since Rikki was accepted to the same college she was going to. She smiled to herself, if only her mother could see her now.  

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