Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

I sat on the living room floor for a while, just in thought. I can't understand why Robert hurts me. What have I done to deserve all of this pain?

I sighed and slowly got off the floor. I walked into the bathroom to see what damage he caused. My face was slightly bruised. I couldn't hold back my tears that were sitting in my eyes. I stared at myself in the mirror, crying. I wiped away the wet streaks on my face. I covered up the bruise with more makeup, covering up my puffy red eyes as well. I smoothed my hair out and walked out of the bathroom. I looked around the corner in the living room. There stood the monster himself, Robert. “Are you ready to go now?” He didn't look at me. I nodded but realized he couldn't see me. “Y-Yes sir. “

He likes when I call him “sir”. I say it when I know he's going to hurt me.

He chuckled, grabbing his coat. He knew I was frightened. I quickly grabbed my coat and phone and walked out to his car. I waited for him to come out and unlock the car doors. I shivered as a breeze came. I looked up at the sky and the stars, lost in thought. I was pulled out at Roberts voice. “Are you getting in or not?” His voice sounded annoyed. I quickly got in the car without saying anything. I looked out the window the whole time. Thinking. Thinking about him.


I can't get him out of my mind. The way he walks. His curly hair that flops on his forehead just right. His dimples when he grins, his cheeky grin. His stunning green eyes that look straight into you.

I know it's silly to fuse over someone that you have never spoken too but I couldn't help it. He's so...

“Wanna go to the mall and eat there? I could do some shopping." 

 I turned my head to Robert, his eyes locked on the road. “Sure, sounds great.” I turned my head back to the window. I pressed my forehead to the cold glass and stared at the sky. This is going to be a long night.


We arrived at the mall ten minutes later. He parked the car and turned off the engine. Silence fell throughout the car. He was staring at me, I could feel his eyes burning onto the side of my face. I kept my focus out my window. I didn't want to meet his gaze, not at all.

He sighed and unlocked the doors. I quickly opened the car door and got out. I couldn't stand the silence anymore. Robert walked out from behind the car seconds later. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I flinched slightly, it was weird. The only time he touches me is to cause me pain. He squeezed my hand to reassure me he wasn't going to hurt me. I let out a sigh and squeezed back in response. He opened the mall door for me and we walked in together hand in hand. The smell of pizza, pretzels, and department stores filled my senses. He pointed to a little pizzeria near the entrance of the mall. I nodded and we walked over towards it. We ordered a simple pepperoni pizza and drinks. We sat in a little booth in the back. We ate in silence the whole time, with occasional glances by each other. He finally broke the silence. “Ready to go shopping?” He grinned and I smiled. “Sure.” We threw our stuff away and walked through the mall. There were so many stores to chose from.

"Hey, Rob?" He looked at me for me to continue.

"Can we split up for a little while? We probably want to go to different stores." He thought for a second, considering my offer. "Yeah, your right. Meet me in the food court in an hour." I nodded.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and disappeared around the corner. I sighed in relief. It was so awkward. The way he has to pretend to get along with me. I could feel the tension as he held my hand. Forgetting my thoughts I decided to go into Victoria Secret. I poked around and decided to get a few bras, underwear, a hoodie, and some yoga pants. I checked out and thanked the cashier. I decided to take a break and sit on the bench. I looked around at all the people. I smiled at some children that passed excited about their new toys. I loved spending time alone. It helped me think things out. I looked out of the corner of my eyes and saw a head full of curls. It was him, Harry. He was laughing with a few friends. I pulled out my phone and pretended to text someone, hoping he wouldn't see me. I glanced up from my phone and met his gaze. He was staring at me, grinning.


I looked back at my phone, I didn't want him to come over. I heard footsteps coming towards me.

Too late.

"Hey." I looked up and saw his glowing green orbs. His dimples showing as he grinned.

"H-Hi." I was nervous Robert would see us talking and hurt me afterwards.

"Can I sit with you?"

I nodded in response, setting my bag on the floor for him to sit. He sat down quickly and turned towards me. I scooted so I could look at him.

"So, your my new coworker. My names Harry." He pulled his hand out for me to take it.

"Hayley." I hesitated in taking his hand. I pulled away quickly, looking around me to make sure Rob wasn't around.

"Something bothering you?"

I jumped at his voice. He chuckled and I shook my head. "No, just.. Never mind." I sheepishly smiled and looked at the ground. He grabbed my chin for me to look at him. He whispered so I could just here it. "You know I'm not that stupid, right." I shook my head slightly, he dropped his hand from my chin. He chuckled as I blushed. My phone vibrated, it was Robert.

To: Hayley

From: Robert.

Where are you?! I've been waiting for 10 minutes? I said an hour and I meant an hour.

Fuck. I'm going to get it now. I felt tears welling in my eyes. I looked at Harry. "I'm sorry, I really have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at work. " I grabbed my bag and quickly walked to the food court, not allowing Harry to answer. I saw Rob standing by the trash cans. I practically ran to him, pushing past people. "Where the hell where you?" He whispered harshly in my ear sending chills down my spine. More tears where threatened to fall. "I had to check out at Victoria Secret at the other side of the mall. I'm sorry, I lost track of time." His face softened and he seemed to understand. That's weird, usually he would yell at me to get in the car so he could "punish" me. He changed the subject. "What did you get." He flashed me a wink. I smiled slightly. "Hoodies, yoga pants, bras, underwear." My voice trailed off. He chuckled and gave me another wink. He walked me out and lead me to the car. The ride home was silent but peaceful. My thoughts were put to rest knowing he might not abuse me tonight. We got home and he unlocked the door.

I was wrong.

He slapped me across the face, hard. I let out a cry.

"Who the fuck was the guy you were talking too?" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I cried harder. "What guy?"


He pushed me into the doorway making me stumble.

"Don't you fucking lie to me. What's curly's name? Huh?" He punched me in the eye and I hit the ground with a thud.

Everything went black.

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