Chapter 39

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"Oh she speaks", Carter smirks. But he's the only one smirking. I want to slap the smirk off his face, actually kick it off. My mind hasn't stopping racing and I feel awful dizzy.


Why me? Why am I so special to Carter? I know we were friends before all the bad events happened, but there are millions of other girls to act psycho towards.

"Yeah I can speak, now answer the question." I retort.

Carter looked thrown off by my sudden confidence, but it did't damage his. Then again, I'm the one tied up and being stared at like a zoo animal.

"You were supposed to be with me, but you probably forgot because they gave you so many crazy pills to erase your memory." Ouch.

I closed my eyes remembering the time when I had to take 4-5 pills daily.

"You're such a prick." I mutter under my breath.

He sighs and continues answering my question, "Our parents had already planned our marriage. Since we were 5. My father owned his own company and your family wasn't doing good. They agreed to have me marry you, if we helped them out." Carter gestured to the huge warehouse around us.

"I didn't know about the plan until I already knew you. It didn't change my feelings towards you, but it was scary. Knowing who you are going to marry years before it happens? When the accident happened..I lost you, my father, and I thought the plan. But I couldn't let that happen."

"I decided to go through with my fathers plan, it's what he would of wanted. We wasted thousands of dollars on your family and we didn't get our side of the deal. This would of been so simple, Hayley, if some people didn't keep fucking up." He looked around at everyone with a snarl on his face.

I couldn't look up at anyone. My head was too heavy with this new information. A setup marriage? Why didn't my parents tell me? Of course they wouldn't tell me, I would of put up a fight.

"If you hadn't of found my phone..we wouldn't be here right now. All of these people would of disappeared and you would of never heard from them again. But, we had to take the hard way." Carter sighed and started walking towards where I was tied up. If my body tenses up anymore, I won't be able to move properly. But I can't help but tense up when a monster comes near me.

"I hate you." I spit.

"You can't hate me, I'm going to be your new husband." Carter laughs at his own joke, yet again, he's the only one.

I glance around the room, looking for anything to save me. A sign that I will make it out of this warehouse single and alive.

My eyes finally land on Harry, a drained and pale Harry. To my surprise, he's already looking at me and we lock eyes. My body isn't tense anymore when I notice I'm in his gaze. My hearing goes muffled and I feel like everything is in slow motion. I notice a pipe of some sort is behind his back, he winks at me.

Oh no.

For what feels like minutes I watch Harry charge towards Scott, anger in his eyes. He smashes Scott upside the head knocking him out. I try moving but only my shoulders move due to my hands being tied. I try screaming but my mouth only opens and closes. I try breathing but I feel like I'm suffocating.

Carter notices my weird actions and follows to where my eyes are staring. A psychic looking Harry with fire in his eyes holding a bloody pipe, with an unconscious Scott laying a mere 2 feet from him.

"Robert, why are you standing there? Get him!"

Robert freezes, not knowing what to do. He doesn't have a weapon and he's no match for Harry.

Harry lunges towards Robert screaming and swinging the pipe, but he just misses Roberts arm.

Carter steps in front of me, blocking my view of the fight.

"We are leaving, Princess." Carter starts uniting my restraints, my arms start getting feeling in them again.

I hear Harry's weapon fall to the ground with a clank and my heart starts racing.

"Harry!" I scream. Please tell me he's okay and he didn't get knocked out. Please let me see him still fighting. Please let me see him winning.

"Get off of her you piece of shit!" I hear Harry's voice getting closer to Carter and I. I close my eyes and silently pray and thank God that he's alright for now.

Feeling a cold breeze in front of me, I open my eyes seeing Carter being thrown across the room by Harry. My heart aches.

"Please untie me" I cry.

Harrys rough hands quickly untie all the ropes, scoping me up in his arms we bolt towards the door. I noticed Bridget wasn't anywhere in site and it made my stomach churn.

"Where'd Bridget go?" I whisper as we rush to the car.

A few rain drops fall on my face as a boom of thunder awakes the earth.

"She ran out after I knocked Scott out. It's okay baby." Harry's voice isn't normal, it's laced with worry.

We make it to the parking lot, but it's empty.

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" He screams to the sky.

Every car had be removed, including Harry's.

"New plan, we have to go back so I can call for help." It's now pouring and I can barely hear Harry's words.

"Please, Harry no. We just need to leave." My tears got mixed in with the rain, making it hard to breath.

"It will take hours to walk into town, and you'll get sick. I just need to grab my phone." His words calm me, but I still feel sick in my stomach.

I nod and we make our way back to the main building of the warehouse.

"We'll make it home, I won't let anything happen to you." He kisses my forehead.

I want to go home, I thought. But where is home?

A/N: I'm baaaaaaaacccccckkk. I hope you enjoy this new update. Sorry if it sucks and there are mistakes, I need to learn how to write again. I love you all.

Bye beautifuls<3

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