Chapter 34

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My heart is full of fury as I run out of the house, leaving the screams of my name behind. 

The visions of the tramp on Harry make me livid. I slow down just enough to kick a trash can, making it fall onto the street. But that didn’t help settle the anger. I need something more.

“Hayley!” A deep voice shouts. 

I start running again but not as fast as before. My foot hurts from bullying the trash can. 

“Hayley! Please stop!” The voice continues. I didn’t recognize the voice to be Harry’s, Carter’s, or Robert’s. I slow my feet to a jog praying it’s not some random drunk who caught my name at the party. I could see his pleading eyes from yards away. It contrasted beautifully with his dark hair and the dim street lights. He had a very gentle looking face. Not only in touch but on the eyes, he was attractive no doubt.

“Please, stop.” His breathe was absent. 

I was timid in letting a stranger stop me from destroying everything in my path but, he looked miserable. 

“You have long ass legs.” I could barely hear him through his coughing and wheezing. 

“What do you want? Who the hell are you?” I screamed a little too loud. But it was my right to be pissed off because of my cheating “boyfriend”. 

“Yo, chill?” He smiled, “I’m Scott, one of Carter’s friends. I saw what happened…” 

My heart twisted. 

“That’s none of your business, Scott.” I shouted and kicked a rock in his direction. 

“Hayley, please calm down.” Scott stepped closer, I could smell the party on him. 

“Me calm down? Are you kidding me?!” I wanted to pull my hair out. It was always a nervous tick of mine. No wonder I was almost bald two years ago. 

Scott walked up to me quickly before my reflexes kicked in and hugged me tightly. 

“Let me go.” I ordered. 

“No, I’m trying to help you.” He said as he squeezed harder. 

“You can’t squeeze me back to normal. I’m broken beyond repair now.”

I felt his stare on the side of my face as his arms dropped and a defeated sigh escaped his lips.

We stood there in silence staring at each other. It was a deafening silence but, there was nothing that needed to be said. 

“Let me take you home.” Well, I thought there was nothing that needed to be said. 

I shook my head and started walking the opposite direction of Mr. Gorgeous. 

I felt his presence behind me, trying to keep up. I have long ass legs as he said. 

“Don’t do this.” I tried to ignore him. I tried ignoring everything but myself. But it’s hard to choose between your heart and head. I stopped in my tracks and turned towards Scott.

“Which one do I ignore?” I said. 

“What do you mean?” He backed up a few paces. 

“My heart or head. Which one do I ignore? They are both screaming at me bloody murder. I’m such a fool to think someone loved me. What was the point anyway? He would of ended up beating me like Robert did anyway.” I confessed to this random stranger more than I confess to Carter. Scott’s eyes soften and he reached for my arm. I shoved myself backwards, stumbling. 

“Which one do I ignore?!” I shouted, wanting to cry. Scott’s eyes looked down at my feet, speechless. I saw him play with his hands, starting with his pinky. That was his nervous tick, like mine was pulling my hair out. His fingers grazed the tops of his fingers with a shaky touch. Pinky, to ring finger, to middle finger, to index finger, and to his thumb. It was an endless loop of trying to calm himself down. 

“I’m sorry.” My voice was harsh from yelling at him.

Scott didn’t move, but his hands were. 

“You can take me home if you still want to.” I said. 

“Of course I still want to.” He half smiled. I sighed a relief, I thought I had broke him.


“Thank you for walking me home.” I smiled. 

“No problem. I know you don’t know me, Carter doesn’t talk about me much. I saw you run out with tears in your eyes, I had to help.” Scott smiled back. 

“I appreciate it. Goodnight, be safe.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. 

“Goodnight beautiful.” 

I rested on the back of the door after closing it, staring in the dark. 

My eyes weren’t adjusted to the darkness, it felt like I was helpless. 

Like I was alone. 

My eyes started filling with all of the pain and anger I was covering up in front of Scott. Now that he’s gone I don’t have to hide anything anymore. Now that he’s gone, I’m completely alone. 

But really, I’m not talking about Scott, I’m talking about Harry. 

I grabbed the first thing in arms length and threw it to the ground with a crashing sound. It was a vase with flowers in it. 

That Harry had gotten me. 

The anger rose in my chest, I needed to scream. 

I grabbed a lamp that was beside the couch and threw it to the wall with a scream. My tears were streaming in my mouth, making my screams sound harsh.

All the picture frames with Harry and I were now on the floor in a thousand pieces, right along with my heart and soul. 

A/N: I love you, don't hurt me. I'm starting this story back up because I miss it and it needs to be written. I'm back baby. <3 So enjoy this crappy short chapter while I gather my notes and work on updating the cover photos. 

Bye Beautifuls. <3 

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