Chapter 22

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Harry's nervous hands fumbled with his house keys, trying his hardest to unlock the door.

I laughed at the anxious clumsy boy in front of me. 

I stare at Harry in thought. 

I've only known him for a short amount of time but I trust him. I know I'm not supposed to but I do, it comes naturally. Since my parents and Robert it gets harder to trust anyone.

Robert was the first person to gain my trust after everything in my past. But he showed me to never let anyone have my trust again, and it's very clear to me now.

But Harry has something about him that makes me wanna be dangerous. I want to hang my heart on the line and be crazy with him. I'm already talking crazy and I just kissed him ten minutes ago and now I'm at his house.

I'm at his house. 

My hands start to get sweaty at the thought. I've been here before but it was for safety, I didn't have a choice. Now I have all the control of what I do and I chose to come with him. 

"Are you coming?" Harry laughed. His was standing halfway in the doorway waving me in. 

"I'm sorry." I replied. 

Harry's house looks the same from the last time I was here, except now it's cleaner. We begin our short descent down the white corridor. Even though it's a short walk, it felt so much longer. My feelings and thoughts are getting to me making my chest hurt.

We turned the last corner coming to the big open living room I remember to much. 

I stared at the spot Harry picked me up at the night he came back beat up and a mess. Memories flooded back. The hugs, laughs, and us singing in his bedroom. I couldn't stop the goofy smile from appearing on my face.

Harry noticed my smile and made one of his own. 

"What?" He half laughed. 

"Nothing." I shook my head. 

He laughed making it fill the room, I couldn't help but laugh at his laugh. 

His eyes sparkled under the dim lights coming from the kitchen, throwing his head back just laughing. I haven't heard his laugh in a while, it sounds so sweet and pure. He caught my eye and I knew I was caught staring. 

His laugh died down and his eyes scanned my face. First my eyes, then my cheeks. 

Shit I'm blushing.

I instinctually brought my hands to my cheeks to find they are hot, I was blushing. 

It's hard to make me blush this bad and I'm surprised. My cheeks are burning hot making me feel nervous. I quickly brought my eyes to the ground acting like my shoes were the most interesting thing in the world. 

I feel like I'm going to throw up the little food in my stomach all over the floor. I can't seem to control my emotions anymore, Harry changed that. 

I feel more heat on my body than I do making me lift my head. 

I met Harry's eyes only a few inches from mine. I should of kept my head down.

"I love your laugh. You should laugh more often." His voice was soft and calming. He caressed my cheek with his rough hand, it felt like silk on my cheek. 

I found out I can't think straight when he does that, but I can't think straight at all.

My feet walked even closer to him, having a mind of their own. Like there's a gravity pull between us that can't be broken. 

Harry wrapped his long arms around me and rested them on my the small of my back. My stomach exploded in a million butterflies making my chest hurt again. 

I'm high off of this boy and I can't even call him mine. Harry isn't like all the other guys I've met. On the outside he looks like he could break your face by a stare when really, he's a real mush with an incredible voice.

His voice.

It makes me go crazy when he sings to me. Makes me feel wanted and loved, especially his choice of songs.

"An inside joke comes to mind." His voice is smooth as he sings. 

His hands squeeze my hips making me jump and giggle.

Now he knows my weak spot.

"We'd wear them out all the time." He continues to sing. 

I close my eyes melting into his voice and choice of song. 

"Memories sneak up on me, wherever I go." His voice is quieter now, almost a whisper. I open my eyes seeing green ones. His eyes are clear and big, full of life and emotion. 

"And it seems you've disappeared, thought you're not that far away." The space between up closes and our bodies are leaning against each other. The butterflies and electricity come up again making my mouth dry. 

"Please tell me it's not true. I didn't mean that much to you." He sings louder.

"And it's love and hate and all these emotions. I never though that you'd be going.." His grip tightens on me. I'm awed at the lyrics of the song, he seems to really connect to them in some sort of way. The way his voice is shaky and out of breathe as he sings makes me fluster. 

"Now I'm just going through the motions…where everything is you. Everything is you." He whispers the last part and I close my eyes. 

My feelings for this curly haired boy are rocketing everyday, even when I don't see him. 

He makes me wanna have another shot at love. 



I need to think of a cute name for them! Like how Justim Bieber and Selena Gomez have Jelena, we need one for Hayley and Harry. :) 

Suggestions are welcome!


See you next time. :)


Song Used- Everything Is You by Eli Young Band.  

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