Chapter 25

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You would think after being hurt so many times it wouldn't affect you anymore, physical or emotional pain. But even after being hurt in any way thousands of times, it will always effect you. You take a blow to the heart every time the pain reflects on you. You could go through the same exact pain each and every day but no matter what, you will never get used to it. 

I thought with all the pain I got from Robert, this wouldn't have taken a big tole on me.

But when it's someone you trusted, it's different.

I trusted Harry and he showed me it was a silly mistake I made. I realized as long as I live, to never trust anyone ever again. They either leave you or hurt you, either one hurts like a bitch. 

After I confronted Harry, I ran from the park and tried to find my car. Of course I failed due to it being dark out and the hundreds of cars parked in rows. 

I swear I parked in row G6, but I can't even find the row. I eventually gave up all hope throwing my hands up in a fit of rage. I quickly ran away from the parking lot and into the street, scared someone would come searching for me. 

Like they would talk sense into me or tell me their side of the story, I couldn't care less right now. 

So here I am wondering the dark city streets trying to find my way home. Don't get me wrong, I knew where the amusement park was, and I know where I live. But everything is harder to find in the dark. 

I just can't wrap my head around everything that happened tonight. 

First, I felt jealous for the first time.

Second, my best friend called me beautiful.

Third, I made my heart ripped out in front for all of the public to see. 

When I think my life can't get anymore harder.

The dim streetlights don't help much to glow the way on the dark pavement. I'm struggling to see through my tears as I stumble over my own feet. I never in a million years pictured this, especially with Harry. 

I pass a few familiar shops and cafes on my search for home. I try to pick out the ones I've been to and judge how much farther I have to walk with tears in my eyes. 

Sooner or later, I wobble onto my street feeling lightheaded and I can no longer comprehend what's going on around me. I try to run to my stairs and surprisingly make it by a few feet. I crawl up the stairs feeling my chest tighten and contrast as I breathe. 

I'm having a panic attack, ones I used to get all the time when Robert would shake me around like a rag doll. This is the first one in four months and I don't know what to do. 

I tumble through my door falling on thefloor. I whimper in pain and lift myself up from my horrible blow. 

"Hayley?" An all too familiar voice speaks from a far couch. 

I lift my head and my eyes go wide in the sight of Robert sitting on my couch. 

My whole body is frozen except the tears still streaming down my face like a waterfall. 

He rushes over to me and my chest tightens again. 

Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me. I pled over and over in my head. 

"Hayley, what happened?" He grabs one of my trembling hands in his calm ones and I flinch. His face hardens but his eyes are soft and full of concern. 

"I won't hurt you, I promise this time." Robert speaks softly and deeply rubbing circles on the back of my hand. 

I instantly calm at his words and it scares me. Harry used to do that all the time to calm me down, and I can't picture Robert having the same effect on me. 

What we had in the past was bliss. We were deeply in love for such a long time then he changed. He snapped on me within a few days. 

One day he was kissing my forehead, calling me beautiful, and doing small deeds for me that I greatly appreciated. Then the next day he's ignoring me and coming back a monster. 

I never found out why he changed, I wouldn't dare ask him or else he would case me pain. 

"Hayley, your pale." I was so lost in thought I forgot Robert has been here staring at me. Probably watching the color drain from my face as I think about the past we shared together. The hugs, kisses, late night chats, the small love letters, and making breakfast in the morning. Just thinking of it all makes me sick to my stomach. 

Before I realized what was going on, I was being lifted from the ground and into a lap. Robert had sat on the couch and placed me carefully in his lap, letting my head lean on his hard chest. 

I stiffen at first but when he started rubbing my back, everything melted away. The thought of Harry, what happened today, and the fear I once had for Robert. 

My eyes started to feel heavy from all the crying and the steady sound of Robert's heartbeat. I wrapped my small fragile arms around him making sure I wouldn't fall off of him. I heard his heartbeat increase at his acts making my stomach flutter. 

Wait, my stomach fluttered? 

All this numbness in my body is getting to me. 

But, one question has been racking my brain for as long as I remember. And I should ask it while he is in his vulnerable state and before I pass out.

"Why would you do it?"

My voice was smoother than I thought it would be, even though I have been crying for an hour straight. 

"I had to." 

Those were the last words I heard before I fell asleep in strong arms.

The same strong arms that used to beat me every night. 

A\N: OMGOGMGOMG. this is just a filler chap. better one coming soon. I'm trying to write as much as I can before I start school on the 28th. 



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