Chapter 26

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(read authors note at the end, important!) 

What woke me up was Robert's chest vibrating when he talked. I keep waking up and then falling asleep when he stops, only to be woken up a few minutes later.

Who the hell could he be talking to? 

After being woken up the sixth time, I decided to tune in to what he was saying. After all, it is what is making me wake up every second. 

"You will wake her, will you keep your voice down? God." I felt Roberts chest move up and down against my face. He wrapped his arms around me tightly making me smile. I shouldn't have smiled because I felt him stiffen, probably thinking I woke up. I relaxed my body more trying to fake my slumber the best I could, I was never a good actress. 

It must of worked because he sighed and continued with the conversation. Well, I'm better than I thought. Point for me. 

"Don't put your arms around her like that. Do you realize all the pain you caused her?" 


My heart dropped at the sound of his voice, what is he even doing here. What time is it anyway? Have I been sleeping long, did Harry come after me when I left? I'm going to regret saying this but, I'm glad Robert was here. If he wasn't Harry would convince me to let him in and apologize. Obviously I would try to push him away but he would get the better of me. Like he always does. 

Well, not today, I'm tired of always letting people in and they wreck me. Tear me apart like some sort of art project. 

"Really? Because she's in my arms right now, that has to count for something Styles." The room fell silent. 

I could just picture the look on Harry's face. His face may appear emotionless and it didn't affect him but inside, you were better off tearing off his arm and it would feel the same. 

It's what he get's for hurting me. 

"You still beat her until she couldn't move, that has to count for something Resse." Harry spat at Robert. 

I physically stiffen under Robert's touch thinking back onto all the beatings and nights were I would cry myself asleep. All the makeup I had to go through to make my bruises appear to not be there, when really they were given to me hours before. 

"You and me both know why I had to do what I did. I didn't want to, but they forced me to. Did you really think I wanted to hurt the one I loved? Honestly? It hurt me to hurt her, it really did. I would get drunk a lot to try to numb the feeling. That's when I hit her the most, when I was drunk so I would forget it in the morning. They were watching me all the time, so I had to hurt her. I couldn't talk to her and tell her to play along because they would know. They always do, so I had to really hurt her like I meant it. I would have to leave her alone for a week at a time to get space or run errands for that bastard. I would act like I had things to do when really all I wanted to do was drink and cry. I never knew it would get this bad. Why is he even pulling this along? I don't get it, break this girl even more?" His grip tightened on me and he kissed my head, I felt tears falling on my thin shirt. But Robert  continued his rant. 

"I became an alcoholic because I would drink so often to beat her for the day to fulfill the orders we were given. I still have nightmares of hurting Hayley over and over again. Every single night I will be afraid of myself. But it was either have her taken away from me or make her suffer. I chose her to suffer and I regret it to the day I live. No one deserves to go through shit like this. What does he think he's going to get out of this?" 

I couldn't believe what I just heard. 

Robert HAD to beat me everyday for two years? My mind is floating around all the thoughts and questions. I have so many questions but one important one. 

Who is this bastard Robert is talking about. 

"I had to do my part too! I feel for her, Robert. I'm head over heels in love with the girl you are holding right now. I should be holding her right now, but Bridget had to ruin it. I should be comforting her in her darkest time right now, not you. I hate this plan with all my being. I thought it was nothing at first until I realized Hayley is a lovable person and you can't help but fall for her. Can't help but fall for her smile, eyes, or personality. The way she will be deep in thought and won't hear a single thing you told her. How she hates olives and only reads John Green books." I can hear the smirk in Harry's voice as he continues. "How frustrated she gets when something doesn't go her way. The scowl that will appear on her flawless face and she will stomp her foot like a child. Damn, I didn't realize how much I care for her until I saw her cry because of ME. ME! The person she trusted to take care of her and adore her and..and." By now I could hear Harry crying from my spot of Robert's chest. I can't to "wake up" and hug him telling him it's all going to be okay. But I kept my spot on the couch. 

"I think you should go." Robert's voice was a few octaves lower than earlier. If what I can remember is correct, when we were together that would only happen when he was jealous. So..he's jealous? 

I heard the front door slam twice indicating Harry was no longer with us. Everything was silent for a few minutes until I heard a beeping. Robert jumped and fumbled with the throw pillows on the couch. It was his phone. 

Of course! The only silent moment I get in weeks and something has to ruin it.

"Hello?" Pretending to be asleep is getting real tiring. Ironic right? 

"He just left, it's falling apart Carter. I don't know what you want me to do.." 




I'm such a horrible person. I suck at being a good person.

This is a filler, I've been rewriting this chapter a few thousand times and it's getting annoying. Rewriting what you have in your mind to the computer is more complicated than people make it out to be!

This story has roughly 5-6 more chapters. 

I could end the story at the end...or 



Okay okay. I know what your thinking. 

'Taylor, how can you make a second book if you could barely keep up with this one?'

Well random person who probably wasn't even thinking that question. 

I first started this book in mid fall last year and it was just drafts. I've been trying to write this book for sooo long. I finally did and it started to drag on because, let's face it, this is all on the spot besides the last couple chapters. 

But this book is all planned out with plot and name, everything!

The whole nine yards!

So comment if you want to read it or not, or else I just wasted valuable The Fault in Our Stars reading time. 


I'm serious.

Comment and vote! 



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