Chapter 38

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“Get me a chair and let curly in.” Carter ordered. The two large men part separate ways as I stare at Robert. He mouths “I’m sorry” and I snort in disgust. 

The man with black hair opens the pounding door, grabbing Harry before he can run to me. My heart swells at the sight of him. 

“Hayley!” Harry yells, trying to get the man to stop pushing him around. 

“Look who it is everyone! The hero saving the one he loves.” Carter laughed to himself.

“Oh come on Carter. Give them a fucking break.” Bridget huffed from beside Scott.

“Shut it, slut.” 

Bridget caught my gaze and gave me a sad frown. 

“Get another chair and bring him here.” Carter yelled at the man struggling with Harry. 

I was lifted off the ground by big arms and sat on a chair. Harry’s eyes never left mine as my arms and legs were strapped to the chair. The rope was itchy making me super uncomfortable. 

“Can you calm down enough for me to tell Hayley what you agreed to?” The hate clear in Carter’s voice. Harry nodded but not without glaring at everyone in the room.

Except me. 

Harry’s arm were let go and he stumbled forward by a shove.

I closed my eyes imagining those arms wrapped me, comforting me. His lips pressed to my ear whispering soothing things into it. His mouth moving down to my neck placing tiny kisses with his plump, pink lips. 

I was jolted from my thoughts a presence moving closer to me, decreasing distance. 

Unfamiliar lips pushed to my ear, making me cringe. 

“Let the games begin.” 


(Harry’s POV) 

I watched in fear as Hayley was tied to a chair, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I strained against this prick’s hold wanting to punch him out. 

“Stop moving and making it harder on yourself.” He mumbled. 

“Can you calm down enough for me to tell Hayley what you agreed to?” Carter spoke in my direction. I nodded and glared at every single person in the room. How can they stand there like this isn’t unfolding in front of their eyes? I could kill everyone in this room, except Hayley of course. I looked over at her wishing I hadn’t. She looks extremely fragile and helpless in the brown chair. 

You made her that way, I thought to myself. 

I didn’t make her this way, I just had a part in it. God, I can say anything to want to help this pain go away but, I know I am the person who did this. If I didn’t agree and I just called the police, she wouldn’t be going through all of this pain. If Carter wasn’t such a fucking asshole and stopped caring about nothing but himself-

I snapped my head towards Carter, where he was pressing himself up against Hayley, whispering something in her ear. I saw her physically stiffen and my heart dropped. 

I need to find a way out of this situation. I need to get her out of here immediately before Carter tells her something I should of told her myself. 

My attention is caught by a metal pole, nearly 4 feet long, leaning in the corner on my right side. 



(Hayley’s POV)

“Hayley don’t you remember me?” Carter paced back and forth in front of me, blocking me from Harry. 

“What? W-We worked together at the CD sho-“

“Let me tell you a little story, okay?” He started, “7th grade, first day of middle school. I was in lunch and I noticed a girl with chocolate brown hair sitting by herself picking at her sandwich. I walk up to her and ask for her name. I tell her mine and from that day forth, we were the best of friends. We clicked instantly and I felt I could never live a day without her.” He stopped directly in front of me. 

I looked up in his eyes and they were filled with hurt. I search my brain for answers but can’t find any. 

“When 10th grade rolled around I had developed strong feelings for the brown haired girl with gorgeous eyes. I wanted to tell her everything that was on my mind but, it would have damaged the friendship. One very cold night my father went out on his usual…run. He wasn’t seeing where he was going and ran a red light, smashing head on into a car that was turning. I had lost my father that day but, this girl had lost something too. Well, two somethings.” Carter’s eyes fell to the floor and mine stayed locked on him. 

“The girl grew very distant, wanting nothing to do with others. She moved away somewhere but, I didn’t know where, until a few years ago. I had finally found her when I moved back to my home town.” He lifted his arms gesturing around him. I felt my heart in my throat as I tried distracting myself on a piece of dirt on the floor.

“I wanted to have my girl back but there were complications. She had already found another man to hold. Which makes me pissed off because she left me when things got tough. So I wanted to see if she would leave him if the situation was the same. But, on the contrary, you still wouldn’t leave his dumb ass even after I made him beat the living shit out of you.” He moved towards me, his voice increasing. 

I tried to think of something to say, anything to say, but my mind was drawing blanks. I can’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling or whats going on around me. Carter revealed something that I didn’t even know about my parents death let alone I knew him before I came back to my home town. 

“You have nothing to say? Nothing at all?” He laughed. “Well sweetheart, there is a lot worse that is coming at you.” 

I gave in and let a tear slid down my cheek. 


So, I'm making it two more chapters because I have a lot more to write. Plus I want it to be an even 40 chapters. 


Haha, I love every single one of you and I hope I didn't break your heart too bad with this update. Save some of it because, you have a big storm coming. (; 


comment and vote.<3 

bye beautifuls. <3 

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