Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I trudged into the kitchen with my mind cloudy.

I ran all the way home from the CD shop out of fear. I didn't even bother to check if Harry was still here.

My feet made loud scruffily noises as I walked up to a bright yellow post it note.


Had to leave to do business.

I had a lovely time with you. xx

Harry x

So he's not here.

That's one less horrible explanation to do.

I slumped down onto a stool that was against the island. I never really sit down and think about things but I think it's time for one.

My life is a mess.

Oh wow, I sound like one of those depressing love stories.

Between not knowing what to do with my ex and current crush, I'm a hot mess. I want Harry so bad and want to kill Robert so bad.

I pushed off of the counter spinning the chair in circles staring at the ceiling. I keep my eyes fixed on a small crack in the ceiling as everything around me was a spiny blur

And now the mysterious employee files I can't function. Why would someone want my flies?

My chair comes to a slow spinning then finally stopping facing toward the front door. The door I used to be scared to come through.

I jumped off the stool turning to the living room.

I need to think of a plan somehow to sort my life out. Maybe if I just have fun for one night everything will be okay, right?

I grasped my cell phone clicking in my password opening my phone app.

I clicked the name I was looking for and held the phone to my ear.

"Hey..let's have some fun tonight."


Apparently there's some big blow out a few blocks from my flat. I had called Bridget and she was already planning on going. It's being held by these college boys because their parents are out of town. It's an all invite, anyone can come. Free music, beer, and food.

I can feel the headache already.

I'm in the middle of getting my hair done by Bridget, let's just say she doesn't know how to use her new curling iron.

"Ow!" I flung my hand up to cover where she burnt my skin after releasing a curl.

"I'm sorry, I can't yet figure out how to use this curling wand." She let out a nervous breathe followed by a chuckle.

I shook my head. Leave it to Bridget to screw up a simple curling wand.

"Okay, that was the last curl anyway. Makeup time!" She clapped her hands as I groaned. It's only 6 pm.


I must admit, I look hot. I'm wearing tight skinny jeans, a black tank top with a leather jacket. I protested against huge heels to a house party so Bridget allowed me to wear small back heels. My hair is lightly curled down my back and I have a smoky eye makeup look.

"I'm good." Bridget smirked as she admired her work in the mirror.

Bridget look a lot better than me.

She had tight skinny jeans with a cheetah blouse and red pumps. Her hair is pin straight and she had a red lip. I gazed at her outfit smiling.

"Ready?" Nodding she grabbed her clutch and walked out. I strayed staring at myself in the mirror.

Sorry Mom for the things I'm doing tonight. I sighed and followed her out.

The bass from the house was shaking the porch steps as we climbed them to enter this huge "blowout". A guy that looked in his mid twenties checked us over then quickly let us in without causing a jam.

Let's just say the whole front yard was full and if we delayed any longer, we would be crammed.

The music got ten times louder as soon as I walked through the door. My feet were vibrating and I could almost taste the music notes.

The last time I came to a huge party was when I almost got raped by Robert and Harry knocked a guy out in front of me.

I have to be more careful with myself.

"Wanna go get a drink?" Bridget was trying to scream over the music.

I nodded my head following her around people to the drinks like a lost puppy.

"What can I get for you ladies?" A guy at least 20 running the drinks had asked.

"Something fruity that can get us hyped up. " Bridget spoke smoothly as she kept eye contact with him the whole time. He nodded smirking to himself while going to get our drinks.

"I think he likes you." I teased.

"Oh shut up." She laughed. "Let's just say..I know him. A friend really." She spoke slower and calmer before smiling.

I discarded her reaction and scanned the house. Hundreds of teens were drunk and grinding on each other to the beat of We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus.

"Here you go ladies." The guy handed us small little shots that had a red liquid inside.

The song TroubleMaker by Olly Murs came on.

Trouble troublemaker that's your middle name

"On me." He shot us a smile waiting patiently for us to down our shots.

My mind keeps saying run as fast as I can.

"Cheers bestie." She clicked glasses with me before downing hers in one smooth move.


I swear your giving me a heart attack.

That was the last thing I remember.

I woke up in a fairly small bedroom that was trashed. Garbage, red solo cups, and chips covered every surface and all of the ground. There was drawings all over the walls and a giant hole in the wall on my far right.

I cautiously slid my legs off of the bed staring around me.

What the hell happened...

I rubbed my temples because of my killer headache.

Is it morning or night?

My vision started getting blurry and my head was going in circles. I could hear faint music playing in the distant, the party was still going hard.

I felt around my blanket for any of my belongings but ran into something.


I turned my head and my eyes widened.

I wasn't alone in this bed.

I was with the guy who served me the shot that blacked me out.


Kind of a cliffhanger.



I had this perfect chapter written out and everything. Edited and everything. 5 pages long. I had updated my computer and somehow it got deleted.


That's why it took so long to update. This ones crappy and short because I needed something up and I was mad.

Ugh, I'm going to start the next chapter after I upload this.

Different P.O.V next chapter.


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