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I do not own any of the characters, images, lyrics, gifs, youtube videos, quotes, news clips, or any source materials used in this book; they belong to their original owners and creators. My story plot is an original work of fanfiction written solely for entertainment purposes.

This story will contain graphics as well as descriptions of those graphics to enhance the experience of my readers and also to help those who had trouble imagining settings, items etc. So be warned.✨

The plot and OC profiles are entirely mines, and they are set in an alternate reality where the soulmate system exists. They are also largely based on the SOULBOUND SERIES, with TXT members still in their adolescence.

The main protagonists, or boys, will experience all of the ecstatic experiences of first love, first kisses, heartbreak, and self-discovery that lead to adulthood. TXT members' profiles may not be 100% accurate because this is fanfiction with a lot of creative freedom.

The plot/ content story ideas are entirely my personal creation.

📝For editing purposes I might make use of tools like grammaly or quilbot for grammar / spelling check, or Tools for  paraphrasing complex sentences and some difficult descriptions ( from other cultural places or customs) . Also a translating app is used to translate my English dialogues in the Spanish language.

My female lead is Spanish.

Kindly be aware that this book series will not feature any sexualization or themes that are too inappropriate for the characters' ages.

Please DO NOT copy, reproduce or translate without my permission.

© strawberry1d

All rights reserved.



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