꧁•⊹٭𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚕𝚎'𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍:𝟷𝟼٭⊹•꧂

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It's a big growing gap between you and me
There was a doodle in front of my eyes

I push back into my dream.

While Luna was still sleeping as if she was in a nightmare-induced sleep

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While Luna was still sleeping as if she was in a nightmare-induced sleep. Aunt Ines was still talking to Mr. Sanchez. Maria was wiping the sweat from Luna's hot and perspiring face.

Aunt Ines's eyes widen at Mr. Sanchez's labored breath.

"Oh Dios mío! Ms. Inés... Acabo de llamar para darte cuenta de que algo extraño ocurrió temprano esta mañana.." Oh my gosh, Sénor! Does it has anything with the Oracles' doing. Is it connected to the curse.

Me Sanchez inhaled deeply and hesitantly stated, "Sólo los dos lo sabemos. Mario, el guardia de seguridad, y su amigo fueron a inspeccionar para asegurarse de que no era un problema de iluminación. Los relámpagos se mantuvieron en marcha y no había nada siniestro al respecto... pero Sénor Mario es antiguo y cree en supersticiones... notificó a la dirección de que algo estaba mal con el halo y la estatua. Su historia fue increíble, y sólo tuvo que escuchar... especialmente cuando vio a los seres grises girando alrededor de las reliquias. Se aterrorizó y se negó a entrar en el cuarto. Cree que la reliquia donada maldijo al museo"Only the two of us know about that. Mario, the security guard, and his buddy went to inspect to make sure it wasn't a lighting issue. The downlights remained on and there was nothing sinister about it...but Sénor Mario is ancient and believes in superstitions...he notified management that something was wrong with the halo and the statue.
The story he told was fantastical...he could just listen because he saw strange gray being that was moving around the relics.
He was so terrified and profusely refused to enter Room 4. He believes that the donated relic placed a  cursed in the museum."

"¡Oh, mi gosh! Oh, my gosh!" Aunt Ines gasped shocked., "She has a fever right now. We tried to wake her, but she was fast asleep. She appeared to be in pain in her belly."Lunas' condition was made known to him by Aunt Ines.

"Después de las donaciones, Sénor Gonzales me hizo promesa de no revelar el antecedente de la reliquia a los medios o al museo, principalmente para mantener a su familia Gonzales y a Luna fuera de los ojos de los medios.After the donations, Sénor Gonzales made me promise not to reveal the backstory of the relic to the media or museum, primarily to keep their Gonzales family and Luna out of the media's eyes," said Sénor Sanchez.

"Parece que el Oracle está decidido a dejar a Luna cicatrizada.Seems like the Oracle is adamant about leaving Luna scarred," Aunt Ines sighed.

The only evidence we have is to wait and see whether Luna has any further visions, "Tal vez la Oracle está trabajando su camino fuera de su sistema... pero podría venir con un premio". "Maybe the Oracle is working its way out of her system...but it might come with a prize," he concluded.

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