Extended Summary

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This story will not follow the timelines of TO or MCU. Dates will not be stated in this story.  I have read several Mikaelson twin stories where the second born was treated horribly or not as loved, so I wanted to write one where they were loved equally. Except by Hayley. I am not sure why Hayley doesn't love Lily.

MCU Timeline Changes

When Captain America was found in the ice, the Tesseract was recovered by Hydra instead of Howard Stark and hidden. Loki never felt the need to overthrow Odin or Thor, due to Loki's relationship with Frigga and Thor. Loki's daughter, Hela, was not imprisoned. Hela lived and oversaw the ruling of Helheim (The Underworld). The Battle of New York, Thor: Dark World and Ragnarok don't happen and there's NO Thanos. Hydra is the villain.

When the Winter Soldier (James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes) was confronted by Capt America, his memories started to return after getting knocked in the head really hard. While on the run from the Avengers and Hydra Bucky fought Lily. He was able to subdue her and talk to her. He had heard of Blue Wolf but had never seen her. They had never crossed paths in Hydra. To learn she was an eighteen-year-old girl threw him for a loop. Bucky told Lily about him being the Winter Soldier, about his escape, and being on the run since Hydra took over S.H.I.E.L.D. They stayed together trying to figure out a way to help the Avengers and interrupt Hydra's plans. It was about then that they ran into Bucky's childhood friend, Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Capt America. Since Bucky was with Lily and Steve, he could not be framed for the terrorist attack in Nigeria resulting in the Sokovia Accords.

The three of them ventured to the newly refurbished Avengers Tower. Bucky had sat down with Tony and explained what happened with the murder of Howard Stark and his wife (Tony's parents). "It was me, but I was nothing more than a brainwashed, memory-wiped soldier following orders. The Winter Soldier is the assassin, he is a part of me, but he is no longer in control." It was a hard pill for Tony Stark to swallow, but he eventually understood that Bucky wasn't totally at fault. This gave them all the more motivation to bring down Hydra. With everyone pitching in, they were able to prove Bucky wasn't responsible for Nigeria.

The Originals Timeline Changes

TVD and TO timelines stay the same mostly. Finn did not die, instead, he stayed on the run from his family until they were unlinked and Esther was killed. He rejoined his family after Esther was dead and gone, no longer influencing him from "The Other Side". He may be boring but got better over time. It was the fact he was having trouble adapting to the 21st Century that truly brought him back to his family. Finn would accompany Kol on outings, eventually balancing each other out.

Kol never went after Jeremy. Even in his anger and want for revenge, he recognized it was a trap. Jeremy was unable to complete the Hunter's Mark, so Silas never rose. After Esther's death, Kol helped a miserable Finn adapt to everything. They developed a "Live in the now" attitude. Kol admitted that Finn does know how to have fun and is no longer "A total bore." Kol and Davina got married a few years after the twins were born.

When the twins were born, Niklaus and his siblings fell head-over-heels for the babes. It was Niklaus who named the twins. The firstborn was named Hope Andrea Mikaelson, the second born was named Lily Ayah Mikaelson. Hayley would always hold Hope, she would only hold Lily when she needed to eat. Lily and Hope were held equally by everyone else. The twins were almost a year old when they fell ill. The cause of the illness was a five-thousand-year-old witch siphoning their life force and magic to gain a foothold in the physical world. 'The Hollow' made herself known to the Mikaelsons when the twins almost died. It was decided that the twins will go into hiding outside of the city while Klaus and his family deal with The Hollow.

The twins were to stay with aunt Rebekah while The Hollow was disposed of. The family would visit often and spend time with the twins. Klaus would visit the most since they were his children. He may be a cold, heartless monster to everyone, but not his daughters. They saw another side to him. The loving, caring side. Hayley would hardly go at all, and it went unnoticed.

The conflict between the Mikaelsons' and Marcel ended with a truce, but there was still tension. It was agreed that they would run New Orleans together, not really wanting to change anything Marcel had built during their absence. Once the twins were born that tension seemed to lighten up. Marcel would visit the twins to also spend time with Rebekah. They have been off and on for decades and wanted to give their relationship another go. Before the ritual Hayley and Rebekah had switched places, leaving Hayley with the twins.

The skeletal remains and the missing pieces of The Hollow were found. Freya and Davina needed all of the Mikaelsons together for a ritual to banish The Hollow forever. The ritual would sever the connection The Hollow had to their remains, and destroy them. They all surrounded a shallow grave with the gathered bones. A salt circle was poured around the grave, as well as thrown onto the bones. The vampires rolled their eyes when Freya saturated the bones in Holy Water followed by an accelerant. Both Freya and Davina chanted a spell that had attached the Hollow to the bones and set them on fire. Once the flames died down the bones were buried. And just to make sure the bones could never be disturbed again, Kol had borrowed *cough stolen cough* a cement truck to cover the gravesite. (The ritual is based on Supernatural tv series with an added spell.)

Hayley had spent most of her time with her pack or scouring the city for the bones of The Hollow. It was one of the times she was returning to the compound that she saw someone sitting in a vehicle taking pictures of her and the compound. Hayley kept an eye on the woman, approaching her when the time was right. She learned the woman was named Melina Vostokoff, and she was a representative from an academy for gifted children. Melina purposely left out the name of said "Academy". Hayley thought of Lily. It was perfect. A way to get rid of Lily while keeping Hope safe. Hayley and Vostokoff had set up a meeting date for Lily to be taken by Vostokoff. Before the family could reunite for the twins' fourth birthday, Lily had vanished.

Hayley even went as far as to fake the little girl's death. She had packed her and the twins' belongings into her car the night before leaving for New Orleans. After buckling a sleeping Hope into their car, Hayley set the house on fire. Waiting for the house to be completely engulfed in flames, Hayley shed some fake tears, quickened her breath, and took Hope back to her father. They arrived shortly after, and Hayley told them what happened. She claimed the twins used magic, starting the fire and trapping them inside the house. Hayley also claimed she was only able to get Hope out before the fire overtook the house.

Hayley had a witch implant a false memory in Hope's mind, showing her and her sister casting a spell in their room and accidentally starting a fire. The memory also showed Lily being trapped behind some flames and couldn't get out. This made Hope blame herself for Lily's death. Hope was hysterically crying in her dad's arms, "It's my fault. I wanted to practice lighting candles with magic but the flames were out of control. It's my fault."

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