Not Bucky

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Hope was home on holiday with her family getting ready to fly to Wakanda. The whole family was going. They had come home after taking down a few bases, and had several supernaturals tracking the rest with the help of Lily's pack. As Hope was finishing packing her bag, her iPad pinged. She saw it was a video message from Shuri. "Hello, Shuri. How are you?" Hope asked. The Tribrid sat on her bed. Shuri sighed, "Hello, Hope. I wish this was going to be a pleasant conversation but I'm afraid I'm going to have to speak with all of you."

Hope left her room and went into one of the offices, plugged the iPad into a bigger monitor, and called for everybody. Soon she was joined by her father, uncles, aunts, and Marcel. They all greeted Shuri and could see she was distressed. "What I'm about to tell all of you will piss you off." That was not how she should have started the conversation. Everyone was now on edge, especially Klaus.

Shuri continued, "Over the last couple of weeks Lily had improved greatly. Him, however, did not. By the time we figured out why it was too late. He has been Winter this entire time. It has been his mission to gain Lily's trust and access to the Original family by order of Hydra." Klaus' loud, animalistic growl could be heard several blocks over. Shuri had to raise her voice, "That's not all. We learned Hydra isn't the one in charge, they're just following orders from higher ups. From whom, we don't know...yet. Currently, Winter is in Cryo. Lily on the other hand."

Shuri sighed. They watched as she brought a hologram of a translucent-like dome with a radius of about 100 miles. "After Lily and Winter fought. Where she left him barely breathing and without his metal arm, she fled. To the middle of the wilderness and created this. We sent a few of our men after her to make sure she was alright. I knew she was powerful. In her distress and grief, I guess you could say, Lily created a safe space for herself."

She paused as she pulled up separate footage from the men who went after Lily and everyone was shocked when they saw, "She recreated New Orleans. After this footage, we have not received any other communications. Lily has essentially cut herself off from the outside world. I don't say I blame her. I will continue to monitor the dome until your arrival. The amount of energy it's outputting could power a small village."

"My word," Elijah exclaimed. He turned to Freya and Davina. The two witches were whispering to each other, "Could using that much power hurt her?" Freya faced him, "I would need to get closer to it and Lily. But at her age, I could destroy a city if I threw a tantrum." Kol hugged Davina to his side, "We'll be there as soon as we can. We were packing when you called." Shuri nodded, "See you soon." Hope cut the call, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Not if I get to him first. However, I want to know who is giving the orders. If it's not Hydra, then who?" Klaus was moments away from thrashing the office when a new voice waltzed in, "I may be able to answer that." They all turned to the voice. Hope recognized one of the people walking in, "Loki?" The trickster god smirked, "Hello, little one. Apologies for intruding. My brother and I returned to Midgard a few hours ago. Before leaving Asgard, we intercepted communications from outer world bounty hunters. Taneleer Tivan, also known as The Collector, has heard about the twins and wants to add them to his collection. If he can't have them, then he will pawn them off to the Grandmaster to pay off his gambling debt. The Grandmaster is a dictator fascinated with gaming and manipulating lesser life-forms. He keeps his citizens distracted with a series of battles amongst the strongest of his slaves called the contest of champions. Any ships that come close to his planet are disabled, only he has the capability of getting off that wretched rock."

The sounds of smashing glass and splintering wood could be heard throughout the compound. Elijah sighed, already exhausted. Kol is laid out on the floor with a magically snapped neck, Finn slumped over the couch for the same reason. The witches weren't fast enough for Klaus or Marcel. "Seems I hit a nerve," Loki commented before vanishing. Of course, he wasn't really there in person. He wasn't foolish enough to deliver such news in person, he wouldn't leave alive.

It took the Mikaelson witches over an hour to calm everyone down enough to get the family to the private jet. Now they need to get to Lily as soon as possible. Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and surprisingly Finn wants to kill anyone who comes near their family that could be a threat. Elijah, Freya, Marcel, and Davina want to make sure of the threat before taking action. Hope just wants her sister.

Still fuming from what they have learned, the Mikaelsons exit the jet and greet Shuri. She gives them a small, sad smile, "I'll take you to Lily. There was a fluctuation in the energy as you drew near. Did any of you feel it?" Freya and Hope moved to walk beside Shuri. Hope responded, "We did. It made my heart ache." Hope rubbed her chest thinking about the wave of energy she felt. They all got into the waiting SUVs. "Once you're inside the dome, we will not be able to communicate. The men that we sent have not come back out. I don't think they are hurt or anything. I think they have assimilated. Essentially becoming a part of what Lily has created. You may even come across phantoms of yourselves."

The Mikaelson family prepares themselves for any type of threat or situation.

Or so they thought?

AN: I'm sorry for the short chapter. This story will have a HEA, but Bucky will not be the end game. Plot twist. Since Thanos isn't happening, Wanda Vision doesn't happen so Lily creates her own NOLA after her heartbreak.

Who do you want to see in the Contest of Champions?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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