Altered Again

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The final door, the last memory they will witness. This door seemed like it was blank. It was like it had no design, no color, nothing. It was just there. Only a plain brass doorknob on the left side. Klaus and Hope were in the front of the group with Hope on the left. She was the one to open the door, "Here we go."

They were back in Avenger's Tower, inside Lily's and Bucky's shared quarters. They watched as the couple were arranging an assortment of notebooks, gadgets, and a few articles of clothing into their bags. Lily and Bucky were gearing up to search for someone to help with their trigger phrases. Both of them knew they wouldn't be completely free from Hydra until their alternate personas could not be triggered.

Everyone plus Bucky had noticed Lily stopped packing. She stood frozen, lost in thought. "Lily?" Bucky approached his wife, gently grasping her elbow to gain her attention. Lily snapped her head in Bucky's direction, "What if they don't recognize me? Or what if they do and they make me leave?" She didn't realize she was crying until Bucky wiped away a tear with his thumb. "Doll, it's been fifteen years since they have seen you. If they are your family, they'll know it's you even if it's been thirty years. And if they make you leave, then they're not worth the tears," Bucky reassured his wife.

The family didn't comment on what they saw. They knew the moment Lily was within their grasp, they will not be letting go. The Mikaelsons may have a reputation of being vicious monsters, however, to each other it is not the case. Not entirely. There are sometimes when they fight amongst themselves but that's what families do. Knowing they will be doing their best to locate the missing Mikaelson, Hope had made sure the bedroom next to hers was cleaned and ready for Lily before joining her family that morning to finish watching the memories. The room was designated as Lily's when the twins were supposed to come home.

The scene changed to the couple entering JFK airport to catch their flight overseas to start their journey. Bucky kept his eyes on Lily the whole time going through security. She seemed to still be out of it. Bucky stopped her before they reached their gate, "Hey? Would you rather just head to your family's place now?" Lily thought about it but shook her head, "No, I don't want to risk it. I know I can't hurt them, it's just not a risk I'm willing to take. Same with you. I know you'd rather not risk Winter making an appearance at the wrong time." Bucky sighed and nodded. They continued to their gate.

Freya leaned closer to Davina, "Is there a spell that can erase the trigger phrases?" Davina shrugged her shoulders, "I have no idea. They seem like a form of hypnotism during the brainwashing. Probably why the phrases trigger their reaction even with their memories wiped." Kol butted in, "Wouldn't hurt to look into it?"

Approaching the area where their gate was located, Bucky, Lily, and everyone noticed the airport seemed even more crowded. Bucky grabbed Lily's free hand so they wouldn't be split up. They felt this was highly unusual for one part of a terminal to have this many people in it. They both weave through the crowd to get to their gate, "Bucky, it's like the whole airport is in this one terminal." Bucky kept pulling her through the crowd, "I know."

Bucky and Lily broke through the bigger portion of the crowd as they reached their gate, taking a seat near the windows. Bucky turns to Lily to ask how she was doing when he caught sight of someone suspicious. The man was dressed in all black holding a duffle bag, looking around the terminal as if he was trying to find something or someone particular. It wouldn't seem that suspicious until it was noticed that the guy stopped searching when he spotted Bucky and Lily. The man tried to act casual as he came closer to the couple but Bucky caught on.

Whispering quietly to his wife, not letting his lips move, "Something's up?" Lily panned the room with just her eyes and saw the man Bucky was talking about. "He seems out of place, and really nervous," Lily whispered back. The couple started to fiddle with their bags while keeping an eye on the guy. He had started doing the same to his duffle, making it like he was going through it but he was actually triggering the bomb to blow as a distraction. He was sent to distract the couple while a Hydra team recaptures them.

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