Run Wolf Run

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A black door with blue markings shaped like wolf fangs is the one that was unlocked. This time Finn opened the door and they were all pulled into the next memory. The area was dark, none of them could see anything. They could hear a man with a heavy German accent getting louder as the area was shedding the darkness. The man is pacing back and forth in front of a metal chair where Lily is strapped to. As each key phrase is said, Lily shifts into the Blue Wolf.

"Zweiter zwilling" (Second twin)

"Gräuel" (abomination)

"Wolf beißen" (Wolf bite)

"Kraft des Blaus" (Power of blue)

"Du bist das Ende" (You are the end)

"Soldatin" (Soldier)

Nadenka, now Blue Wolf, responds with no emotion on her face, "Bereit, sich daran zu halten" (Ready to comply) Elijah translated everything for the members of the family that have not learned German. Hope, Davina, and Finn are the ones who needed the translations.

Lily is handed a file after her restraints are undone. It contains the details of her mission. The man speaks again, "Spüren Sie das Asset auf und rufen Sie es mit allen erforderlichen Mitteln ab. Keine Zeugen." ("Track down and retrieve the Asset by any means necessary. No witnesses.")

The memory shifts to a subway station in Brooklyn. They watch a semi-casually dressed Lily stalk someone. She is following a man with long dark brown hair wearing several layers of clothing, gloves, and a baseball cap carrying a backpack. Of course, it would be Kol who recognizes the man, "They tasked her with tracking the Winter Soldier. What the hell are they thinking?! That man is one of the world's deadliest assassins, only coming second to the Black Widow." Elijah nodded his head, "He probably knows she's following him."

That statement was proven right as they watched the Winter Soldier get off the subway at a stop with no others around. He got off the subway, walked through the station, and turned the corner towards the stairs. Lily is not so far behind him. She turned the corner to go up the stairs but was met with a metal hand around her throat, shoved against the wall. His grip wasn't tight enough to cut off her air supply, but it will leave a bruise.

Before Bucky could speak, Lily kicked him in the shin really hard. His grip loosened enough for Lily to break away from Bucky. She didn't put enough distance between them. Bucky was able to grab her wrist and toss her against the wall again, this time much harder. The impact caused the wall to shudder, and a few pieces of concrete broke away. Bucky held her by the shoulders, pinning her to the wall which allowed him to get a good look at her face. Lily turned her head slightly to the left in her struggle to get out of his grip. Bucky caught a glimpse of her tattoo, and instantly knew she was Blue Wolf.

The last mission as the Winter Soldier was to eliminate Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Capt America. As 'Winter' was reading the file on the captain, he noticed another file on the table. The name on the label was Nadenka Antonov, A.K.A. Blue Wolf. Without being noticed, Winter quickly scanned the file. He learned Nadenka was taken from the Red Room and turned into another soldier like him. The file contained very little information, however, he did find the phrase to kill her mission objective.

Lily continued to struggle in his grip, but it was too tight. Bucky was so close to Lily, his body practically pinned her to the wall. "Nadenka, look at me," Bucky got her attention. When she made eye contact, Bucky said her mission kill phrase, "The Wolf is black." Lily's body relaxed, her eyes glazed over then becoming unfocused so she shook her head to clear it, "Her eyes are blue."

They haven't broken eye contact yet. "I'm going to let go now," Bucky slowly loosened his grip and took a step back holding his hands palm up in surrender. "My name is Bucky Barnes. Winter is not in control anymore. I can help you," Bucky turned his left hand over for Lily to take. Lily hesitated, looked at his outstretched hand, then his face, and back to his hand. The expression on Lily's face is one that Hope recognizes, she smiles knowing her twin will accept Bucky's hand and his help.

  The expression on Lily's face is one that Hope recognizes, she smiles knowing her twin will accept Bucky's hand and his help

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The memory came to an end. The hall of doors is much shorter with only three doors left. "I don't know if I like the idea of Lily being alone with that man," Klaus said, staring at the door they just exited. Kol, Marcel, Davina, and Hope rolled their eyes at the overprotective father. Finn surprised the family, "They'd be good for each other. Both dealing with similar issues, they could help each other. If he mistreats her though, I'll have that arm mounted on the family mantle." Kol, Marcel, and Klaus shared a laugh, they were thinking the same thing. Kol wrapped an arm around Finn's shoulders, "Indeed brother, indeed."

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